Chapter 31

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That, following morning after Halley had had her bathe and ate breakfast, when she sat in front of her vanity table, Gently stroking her hair. Joshua appeared at the doorway and told her. " I'm going away for a few days." He said abruptly. " Lord Barkson is dead...I promised his family I'll take care of the burial also I have some business to take care of."

Halley opened her mouth to say something but closed it once again. What could she do? Begged him to stay? His mind it seems was already made up. She would just be wasting her time. How could he do this! Halley wondered, tears burning at the back of her eyes. He could have asked her to accompany him.

" I'm sorry to hear about your friend " She placed the brush on the table and turned towards him. " Where are you going? "

"London " he curtly replied, he wasn't even looking at her and Halley knew he was hiding something. " I'll be leaving this afternoon. "

Halley felt her heart sank to the bottom of the ocean. She was to stunned, to protest. To weak to even formulate words. Joshua was so eager to leave her all alone? " Very well." She swung back facing the mirror before her husband could see the tear that slide off her cheek.

Three days passed without a letter from Joshua. Halley had been spending a vast amount of time with Peter. She was know teaching him Spanish one of the three languages her father had forced her to learn. But even that couldn't take her mind off her husband. Many nights she had tossed and turned in her bed, wondering if Joshua was comforting another woman. How he was faring? The house felt so suffocating.

" What does caballo means?" Peter asked, repeating the new word Halley had just taught him.

" It means horse " she smiled, grabbing another apple from the basket. They were both outside in the gardens having a little study picnic. It wasn't her fault she was constantly eating. Her baby had a huge appetite. To make it easier on the servants, she had picked up the task of walking with food every where she went.

" Perro" Halley quickly placed her index finger in front of him. She already knew what he was going to asked.

"Why don't I just show you" She wiggled her eyebrows, causing Peter to laugh. He was such a handsome boy. Halley often wonder if her baby was a girl or a boy. But, it didn't really matter. She wouldn't love her baby any less. No matter the gender. Standing on her knees she started to called Pumpkin, who was somewhere playing in the bushes. A few seconds later the fury animal jumped out from between a bunch of roses and ran straight into her arms.

" Perro means dog! got it!" He grinned. " ohoh....Miss Halley look at your clothes." He indicated the spot, which was everywhere.

Halley gasps at her dirt covered gown. " Pumpkin! Chevon is going to kill you!" The dog whined in protest at it sat staring at her. " oh Pumky" before Halley knew it Pumpkin began to lick her vigorously as if asking for forgiveness. " maybe I wouldn't let chevon kill you after all" she chuckled.

The dog bark causing Peter and Halley to giggle. " Miss Halley can I  give her a bath!" Before Halley could respond, Peter had already took Pumpkin in his arms.

Halley frowned. " you're not trying to skip Spanish classes. Are you?"

" Miss Halley it's boring " he screwed his face in disgust.

Halley sigh. "Fine" She wave him off, knowing she couldn't forced him to pay attention when he was in this mood. " Wait...does this mean you don't want to learn French either!" But the boy had already disappeared out of sight.

Joshua met his wife, sitting under the oak tree. Rocking gently in the brisk evening breeze. Her long tresses travelled behind her in a wave of decoration. How he wished he could run his fingers through them, this moment.

The Lost Princess ( The Compulsion Bride Series) Book 1 (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now