Chapter One

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Halley placed her soft thin hand over her eyes covering it from the fierce sun that seems to want to burn her to ashes. " Timothy, I hate this dreadful weather!"

Timothy who was busy loading the logs on to the cart turned slightly to see his grumpy sister. "Complaining about the weather ain't gonna help me carry this load sister." Timothy said dusting his hands from a mossy piece of log.

Since there father went bankrupt. All the servants had to be laid off. Much to their annoyance. They had no choice but to do the labour work themselves. This was just the start gathering filthy logs to help keep the fire burning. It wasn't even cold at nights!

Halley snorted.Watching her brother over packing the Cart. " Who do you think going to help you carry all that?" She gesture to the cart that can hardly move.

"The donkey smarty." Reply Timothy sarcastically as he began to push the cart.

Halley smile at her brother. He was such a strong, handsome young man and love his sister so much that he was willing to carry all the logs himself. "If you weren't such a good brother I would have clap you over the head. " she began to walk side by side with her brother. Swinging her bare hands. Her once new lavender gown blowing in the wind makes her feel like she was in the clouds.

"Halley what are you doing?" Timothy shouted bringing her back to reality. " you left the rest logs on the ground."

Halley surprised. Turn to see the three small logs lying on the ground. She groan loudly as she stomped off to collect them. So much for having a loving brother. The logs were heavier than she thought and Timothy had made it home already offloading the logs.

" Look who decided to show up her Royal Highness." Timothy laughed as he wipe his sweaty forehead with the back of his hands.

Halley angry as she was. Threw the logs on the ground and went inside. " I hate this place." She mumble entering the kitchen and greeted there one loyal cook who decided to stay with them even if they didn't have a penny to give her.

"Marty, what you cooking today?" Halley chirped peeping over her shoulder.

"Good lord child, you gonna get sweat in me soup if you don't step away." The old lady scolded, shooing her away like a fowl.

"Dart it Marty! " Halley shouted. She hated to be treated like an outcast and make it worst from a servant." I'm still a lady you know."

The old lady laugh causing the wrinkles to stretch across her face." You will be. That's why I'm talking to you as I wish before you become all high and mighty."

"What do you mean I will be?" Halley asked with a raised of a brow.

The old lady who was busy stirring her soup pivot her head to stare at her." You're getting married lass your parents are in the living room with the man's father as we speak." Marty watched as the girl face turn six shades of red before bursting out the door.

"Oh dear I just erupted a volcano." Marty thought with a sigh as she continued stirring her pot of soup.

This is my other book I would be working on. Hope you all enjoy it and give me lots of encouragement to continue writing by voting and commenting mwah also beware of grammar errors.

Don't forget to vote and comment :)

The Lost Princess ( The Compulsion Bride Series) Book 1 (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now