Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

It turns out to be a strange weekend. For a start, mum doesn't come home on Saturday after all. I go along with dad to pick her up at lunch time and she's still sitting in bed in her nightie looking really fed up. There's something wrong with her drains

''sounds like a job for 'dial a rod' to me '' says dad, trying to lighten the tone, but she's not laughing. She's got two long lines coming out of her, one from her breast and the other from her armpit. They empty a yellow sort of fluid out into two see through bags and they look disgusting. Apparently she cant go home until they have finished emptying.

''why is one coming from your armpit'' i ask.

''they removed a sample of lymph glands when they took out the tumour'' she answered.

''why'' i asked.

''to see if the cancer has spread''. Mum explains.

She sees my face.

''oh don't look like that jess its only a precaution.''

It hasn't occurred to me that the cancer might have spread. I thought cutting the tumour out would be the end of it. I store it in my mind to worry about later.

''you look tired jess what time did you go to bed last night?''

''I don't know about Eleven thirty i think''

''too late '' she sniffs ''i told you when you left, rob, to make sure she had a early night.''

I look at dad puzzled. I'm just about to say fat chance of passing that message on as he didn't get in till early hours of the morning. Then i notice that he's frowning at me and gives his head a tiny shake. What's that all about?

Mum's going on about how i need my sleep, blah, blah, blah, then the nurse comes to check her drains and i forget about it all until. Visiting hours are over, dad and i are driving back in the car.

''do you want dropping off somewhere else jess?'' Dad asks.

''aren't we going home'' i ask in surprise.

''i thought id go in to school and work on the timetables. Might as well get on with it while your mum isn't around.''

''on a Saturday.?'' that's not like dad. He usually mooches around the house and tries to watch sport on the telly while mum finds things for him to fix.

Now he's got a chance to watch the footie in peace, he's going into work. That's men for you!

Mind you he's got a point. It's not the same if mum's not there. I feel miserable, to lighten the mood i say '' school hey? Yeah, yeah. Bet you've really got a hot date''

This is standard routine between us and i expect him to give me a description of a busty blond he's going to meet, but he doesn't answer. I warm to my theme.

''And come to think of it where were you last night Mr Bayliss, what did you get up to after you left the hospital''

To my surprise he goes on into a long complicated story of needing a drink hand having to pick up work off Cathy on his way home.

''Cathy? As in Miss Taylor?''

''yes she told me you were really good in rehearsal ''

''not that good'' i say, taken aback. It's not like Miss Taylor to give praise unless you have really earned it. ''I've hardly started, I'm not into the part yet''

''oh well she's really pleased anyway'' he says, looking uncomfortable. ''by the way, best not mention that i didn't come straight home to your mum. She will just give me the stick for not looking after you properly''

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