chapter 5

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The first rehearsal is a general talk through. We're all exited but as soon as Miss Taylor enters, complete with clipboard, a hush falls. Some teachers have a real battle to get classes quiet but everyone wants to hear what she has to say. She runs through the time-scale. We're putting Macbeth on during the third week of September. It's the end of may now, so that means we've got four months to get it ready but, when you think we've got to take six weeks of the summer holiday out of that, It's not so long.

''So the first thing i want from you all is a firm commitment'' Miss Taylor spills out. ''If you cant give me that, you need to leave now. I can't have any of you letting the rest of the cast down'' 

No one moves. Most people are veterans of school performances. They know what a laugh it is taking part. We had a ball last year in Little Shop of Horrors. It's this musical about a mad dentist with a man-eating plant. Muggs played the nice guy, Seymour, who saved the heroine (kelly, yuck) from the carnivorous cactus. He was brilliant. I played the plant. It was baking inside the costume and i lost five pounds in weight.

''Good I've written a schedule of rehearsals till the end of term. Obviously, some of you will need to attend more than others. You'll be glad to know that Mr Bayliss, Jessica's father, has agreed to help though he cant be with us today.''

Everyone swivels around to look at me. Much to my annoyance, I can feel myself blushing. ''So thats how she got the part'' Whispers Kelly to Jade, loud enough to make sure i hear. My cheeks flame. ''Girls girls girls'' Muggs shakes his head disovingly at them. Kelly looks embarrassed. Miss Taylor ignores it all. '' I am going to start with the witches. I want to work out the relationship they have with Macbeth. The rest of you aren't needed today. Jess, look at Act 1, Scene 5, for tomorrow. Oh, you will be in tomorrow, won't you?

''Of course''  Why wouldn't I be? It dawns on me that she's referring to mums operation. I feel wrong-footed, as if I hadn't been giving mum enough thought. Anyhow, how come she knows so much about my personal life? Muggs looks puzzled. 

''What's going on?''

''I'll explain later'' I say, as i edge past him ''Come round after rehearsal?''

''Come on Muggs'' Calls Ali ''We want to get started'' The last thing i see is Kelly grabbing his hand and dragging him into their coven. 

I walk home, my head buzzing, and let myself into the house. What a difference a day makes. Mum and Dad must still be at the hospital. The house feels different, empty. Normally this would make me pleased but today it feels soulless as if it's been empty a long time. I make myself a cup of tea and go on the internet. Miss is right. Macbeth is an unlucky play. All sorts  of things happen to people who act in it: they have accidents or die; once even a whole theatre collapsed when the play was being preformed. I guess any play thats full of ghosts, murder, witchcraft and the supernatural in every shape or form is bound to carry with it what would nowadays be described as a bad aura. Its only natural. Or supernatural! Anyway, I'm not superstitious . . . am I?

'Step on a crack you'll break your back . . .'

Don't be daft, just childish nonsense, There's masses on breast cancer. Loads of it is statistics. One woman in nine gets it in the UK. How come I don't know anyone, then? Apart from my mum. More women get it in the UK than anywhere else except the United States. Fewer women get it in Japan. I wonder why. There's a lot about treatment too. It involves surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy in the main. It all sounds horrific. I move on to prognosis. I wish I hadn't. Again there's lots of percentages and reference to 'five- year survival rates'. Is that all my Mum's going to have? I read on and see that these are the lucky ones. My blood runs cold. The door bell rings and I jump a mile. It's Muggs. 

''Whats up?'' He asks, looking at my face. I pull him into the lounge and wrap my arms around him.

''My mums got cancer'' I say, My voice muffled by his sweatshirt. I can feel him stiffen all over. 

''What sort?'' He asks quietly.

''Breast cancer''

He squeezes me tightly. I can hear his heart beating softly

''Shit'' I feel the tears welling up inside and i start to sob. 

''I'm so scared. I've been looking it up and it sounds really serious''

''Lets have a look'' Muggs sits down at the computer and goes through the stuff on the screen. After a while he says '' Dont worry. It's not as bad as it looks. These scientific studies always gives worst case scenarios'' I feel myself start to relax and i sit on his lap. He kisses me and licks my tears. 

''Mmm salt''  I look at him strange and giggle a little.

A key turns in the lock. We spring apart 

''Jess? Are you home?'' Calls Mum.

''Oh hello, David'' Says Dad, coming into the room. ''What are you up to?'' 

''Just a bit of homework'' replies Muggs, expertly clicking the mouse to close the screen ''How are you both?''

''Fine. Just fine'' says Mum, coming into the room carrying a pile of books. The top one has a title Managing your cancer.

''Thought you'd been to the hospital'' I say, surprised.

''I have, but it didn't take all day. We've had lunch out, been shopping. Look i have something for you'' I open the bag and see the top I've been wanting for ages from Miss Selfridge.

''Thanks mum!''

''My pleasure. And now I'd better go and pack. we'll have a takeaway tonight, shall we? And maybe a bottle of wine. are you stopping for tea, David?'' She looks flushed and happy as if shes going on holiday. I'll never understand grown-ups. Theres me, worried sick all day and shes been having the time of her life.


sorry this one is abit short guys been megga stressed with college .. so much work to do !! 

hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

update next week 

love you all !! <3 

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