Your Still My Puppet PineTree

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+Weirdmageddon: Inside Bill's Castle+

"Wait! No! It's too dangerous!" Ford exclaimed. Mabel and Stan with him going to run after Dipper, but Bill held them back by his powers and entrapped them in his pyramid cage.

"Not so fast! Your three wait here!" Bill says to them. "I got a child to turn into a corpse." He said to them transforming into a more terrifying form. The demon looks at them, "See ya really soon." His deep tone making them fear for Dipper's safety.

Stan and Mabel shouting No as the demon scrambled to chase after Dipper.

"Oh no! Oh no! What do we do!?" Stan says in panic.

Ford pounding against the cage afraid of what Bill will do to his nephew. "Dipper!"

Mabel screamed and yelled for her brother, crying too. 'Oh my gosh! Please Dipper! Please be safe!' She thought worriedly.

+With Bill and Dipper+

Bill chased Dipper through an array of hallways, even using his sister's grappling hook to go up at the end of one of the hallways.

"When I get my hand on you PineTree, I'm gonna disassemble your molecules!" The demon exclaimed continuing to chase Dipper. He almost caught him if it weren't for that grappling hook. "You've tricked me for the last time!"

+With Mabel, Ford, Stan+

Mabel sat in the corner of the cage worried about her brother, but she was able to pay attention to the two older twins chatting.

"Uh, I can't believe this! The kid is are gonna die and it'll be all my fault." Stan says sadly and in worry and went down on his knees. "All because I wouldn't shake your stupid hand!" He sighed and held a hand to his face, "Dad was right about me, I am a screw up."

Ford sighed also. "Don't blame yourself. I'm the one who made a deal with Bill in the first place. I fell for all his easy flattery. You would've seen him for the scam artist he is." He took out his water can out of his coat and drank some water.

"How did things get so messed up between us?" He drank some water too after Ford offered him some.

"We use to be like Dipper and Mabel. The world is about to end and they still work together. How do they do it?" Ford questioned.

Stan shrugged his shoulders, "Easy they're kids, they don't know any better."

Ford stood up, but Stan help him by the sleeve surprised.

"Wait, where are you going?"

"I gonna play the only card we have left." Ford told his twin sadly. "Let Bill into my mind. He'll be able to take over the galaxy or even worst, but at least he might let Dipper go."

Stan stood up quickly. "What! Are you kidding me?! Your honestly telling me there's nothing else we can do?!" He exclaimed.

"Bill's only weak in the mindscape. If I didn't have this darn plate in my head, we could just erase him with the memory gun when he steps inside my mind."

"What if he goes into my mind?" Stan offered. "My mind isn't good for anything."

Ford chuckled a bit. "There's nothing in your mind he wants. It has to be me. We have to take his deal, it's the only thing that will save you and the kids." He walked over to the bars of the cage and gripped them.

"Do you really think he'll do good on that deal?" He asked his brother.

Ford looked at his twin sadly. "What choice do we have?

Bill's Favored Puppet [Billdip]Where stories live. Discover now