Dipper's Third Journal?

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+Underground Camp/Bunker+

It has been 5 years.

5 years since Weirdmageddon took over and Bill broke the barrier.

5 years since Dipper had been separated from Mabel and her family.

5 years since the Gravity Falls citizens had seen him and talked to him.

5 years since Bill has been ruling and keeping Dipper from them.

5 long years that Dipper hasn't seen anyone familiar.


Mabel, an 18 year old lady who had grown beautifully despite the harsh environment of Bill's ruling. Her joy had died down a little ever since Dipper was gone, but she still managed to cheer those up around her.

Stan and Ford are older now, but still know how to pack a punch. Their goal together to stop Bill and get Dipper back to Mabel.

Soos and Wendy, doing their best to tend to everyone and retrieve supplies.

They had been leading a rebel army against Bill and his friends.

Mabel sat at the entrance of the underground cave looking at the rip in the sky. She sighed and and traced her finger in the ground, drawing a picture of Dipper. "Bro Bro, I hope your okay."

She felt a hand placed on her shoulder and looked up behind her. Stan stood there with a soft smile to her niece. "It's okay Kiddo. Ford, Wendy, you, and I are going to finally do a first secret invasion into Bill's castle tomorrow."

"I know, it's just not a rescue for Dipper though." Mabel sadly says to him.

"We need to get info Mabel so we can save the world and your brother." He help Mabel off the ground and lead her back underground. "Come on, we got a big day tomorrow."

"Okay Grunkle Stan."

+Weirdmageddon: Next Day-Fearamid+

Bill's castle handed moved at all and kept his main base in Gravity Falls Oregon. Sure the size got bigger, but it's still looks the same.

The 4 humans ran past some demons and got to the base of the castle. They grabbed their grappling hooks, yes they were supplied with grappling hooks, and shot up to hook the open entrance at the bottom.

They climbed into the castle and ran down the hallways, making it to the throne room. Hearing Bill's laugh they knew Dipper could be with them.

"Pyronica and Keyhole are in Canada now. Apparently they're wreaking havoc there as we speak." Bill says.

"Might as well join them." Teeth say and flew out with 8 Ball.

Ford peeked in the room to see Bill with his eye closed. He waved his other hand for the others to infiltrate the room. The hid behind some pillars as Bill slowly opened his eye.

"Now where did PineTree go?" Bill says surveying the empty throne room. Unaware of the other occupants.

"I'm right here you dumb Dorito." A slightly familiar tone said.

Bill floated off his throne and went to the male across the room that Mabel and Wendy could see. Once Bill went past their pillar he shifted in a surprising form to them. Bill had shifted into a human. Blond hair, pale skin, formal clothing consisting of black and yellow. An eyepatch covering his right eye while the other eye glowed a beautiful yellow. "Hello my PineTree." Bill greeted with glee and took on of Dipper's hands and kissed the back of it.

"G-Grunkle Ford." Mabel quietly whispered in shock, but the adults were speechless.

The demon in human form chuckled and stood before Dipper. "How's my favorite puppet doing?" He asked.

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