Leaving for True Home

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+Mystery Shack+

Bill was the first to wake up from his sleep. Even though demons don't sleep they still have a choice whether or not they want too. He looked at his position and where he was, realizing he is in his PineTree's room. They had fallen asleep together after that night on the roof.

His PineTree was snuggled up against him sleeping peacefully while he had him wrapped in his arms. Dipper's face in the crook of Bill's neck, even breaths hitting against his skin in a soft manner.

Bill brought his hand up to Dipper's face and brushed the teen's brown bangs to the side. He kissed the inside of Dipper's birthmark lightly and smiled. 'PineTree is so cute~' He thought happily.

Dipper was awakened by the action, his eyes slowly fluttering open and adjusting to the light in the room.

"Morning PineTree~" Bill greeted the brunet.

The teen blushed and shyly pecked a kiss on Bill's cheek. "Good morning Bill. What's our plan for today?"

"Well I was thing of bring you home and back to parents dear. They've been meaning to see you for some time."

That made Dipper's eyes widen, "M-My p-parents? I thought they were caught by the government." He says in surprise careful not to be too loud.

Bill chuckled, nuzzling Dipper's cheek, "Pfft please PineTree, your parents are the most strongest and influential demons in the demon world. They would never get get caught." Saying in a proud manner.

"Then why would they leave me with the Pines Family?" Dipper asked.

"To make sure your safe of course and you weren't used against them. Plus more likely to throw the government off your trail." Bill explains to Dipper who nodded in understanding.

The both of them cuddled together and exchanged kisses until they were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Dipper? You up?" It was Mabel.

Dipper made a tired groan like he just woke up. "I'm up now Mabel."

"Breakfast is ready! Grunkle Stan made Stancakes!" Mabel chirped, "I'll see you downstairs once you get ready." Her steps getting quite as she went downstairs.

"PineTree-" Bill turned to look at his PineTree, but what he saw made him a bit sad for the teen. Dipper had fresh tears running down his cheeks with his eye squeezed shut. He pulled the younger demon into a hug patting him slowly. "It's okay PineTree, I promise I'll make it all better."

Dipper sniffed and leaned more into Bill's comforting hug. "Thanks Bill."

Bill took his PineTree's left hand and kissed the ring around his finger gently. "Anything for you."

They got out of bed and got changed into more daywear wear clothes. Dipper dressed in a white button up dress shirt, a green vest, black pants, and sneakers. Bill snapped his clothes onto himself a white button up, black pants and dress shoes, yellow tailcoat, black gloves, and his signature hat and bow tie.

"Do you want to say goodbye to the Pines Family or should we just leave?" Bill asked his PineTree. Honestly he just wanted to leave those sorry bastards without saying goodbye, but he knew Dipper wasn't that type of demon.

The brunet gave it some thought and nodded. "Just stay up here, I'll be back soon. Be prepared to leave when I come back."

Bill gave the teen a kiss the lips before letting Dipper go out of the room.

Dipper, once he was out of his room, went downstairs and into the kitchen where he found everyone eating breakfast happily. He sat down on the table and grabbed some fresh pancakes without Grunkle Stan's hair on it. They ate together, but he stayed silent for the time being, letting them talk.

"So bro bro? I was thinking Pacifica, Gideon, Grenda, Candy, you, and I could all go hangout today at the mall! How about it?" Mabel said to Dipper with a smile.

"Sorry Mabel, but..." Dipper knew he was putting himself on the spot, but what could he do, he was leaving them. "I'm leaving today."

That earned him confused looks from his 'Grunkles' and his 'Sister'.

"What do you mean Dipper?" Ford asked him.

Dipper got out of his seat muttering thanks for the meal and went to the stair case. He turned back to look at them with a sad smile.

"Dipper?" Stan says confused.

"Ford, Stan... I'm sorry about what happened back at the start of Weirdmageddon." His gazed shifted over to Mabel. "Mabel..." It was kind hard to say what he wanted to say to her. "I forgive you for what you did back then. For erasing my memories of Bill and the others."

Dipper ran upstairs quickly to his room hearing footsteps running after him. He met Bill in his room who was ready to leave quickly. He reached out for Bill who gladly who took Dipper's hand in his and pulled him close.

Ford, Stan, and Mabel at the door looking at them with widen eyes.

"Cipher! But how?" Ford says confused and surprised seeing Bill back.

"I came back to get my PineTree, Sixer." He told Ford with a glare. His tone cold as he held Dipper in his embrace. "And I'm taking him home."

Mabel tried to run over to them, but Bill's blue fire surrounded Dipper and Bill. "He is home! With us!"

"No he's not! He need to be with his true home in the Demon World!" Bill told them firmly. Dipper by his side hugging him around the waist kept a strong hold on Bill.

"Bye everyone. Thanks for taking care of me." Dipper smiled to them one last time.

"No! Dipper!" They heard Mabel shout.

It's too late now, Bill and Dipper were engulfed by Bill's flames and disappeared.

+Demon World: Royal Castle+

The demon pair ended up at the entrance of the Royal Castle in the demon world.

Dipper looked around in awe as he took in his surroundings. The place was kinda like the human realm, but more eerie and a little dark. Then he looked at the Castle, the home of the King and Queen. His family.

Bill smiled and lead Dipper into the Castle to go look for the King and Queen.

They roamed around, seeing surprised faces from the servants working in the castle. Bowing quickly to the two and waiting for them to pass by. Then hear quiet whispers from the servants once they were a few footsteps away.

The two demons met with a grand doorway.

"You ready to meet your parents PineTree?~" Bill grinned at the brunet, while holding his hand.

Dipper nodded with a small blush dusting his cheeks. "Yeah." He smiled and looked at Bill, "Let's go in?"

Bill chuckled and pushed the door opened with his free hand.

"DIPPER!" Were the welcoming shouts of his parents.

Bill's Favored Puppet [Billdip]Where stories live. Discover now