A Little Fast Forward

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Yesterday's events were very eventfully apparently.

Dipper was tackled happily on by his parents(the king and queen) and lucky Bill was able to pull him out of the said pile when they fell to the floor. His parents were crying tears of joy that Dipper had been safe and sound when they had left him, but very glad that he was now back home where belongs.

They held a big party in honor of Dipper's return, demons in the kingdom and around other places/dimensions came too. It was very grand and exciting. Bill even loved spending more time with his PineTree and tried to make up for the year they lost together.

Oh how the Demon World was so happy to have their beloved Prince back home.

+Dipper's Chamber+

Dipper laid in his bed with his eyes slightly open, looking at the ceiling in a daze. He groan slightly and turned to his left to tried to get out of his bed. Note the word tried.

An arm held him back around the brunet's waist. "PineTree don't leave, I need your warmth." A tired voice told him.

Dipper rolled his eyes and turned his head a bit to see Bill looking up at him with his one good eye. He turned around and pecked a kiss on Bill's cheek. "I'm just gonna explore the castle for a bit Bill. I'll be back soon. I promise." Giving the yellow demon a reassuring smile.

Bill sat up and gave Dipper a kiss back, but on the boy's lips. "I'd like it better if you explore me more."

"I-Its only for a few minutes you dumb dorito." Dipper stuttered a bit with a blush decorating his cheeks. He got out of Bill's hold and went to his closet to change out of his pajamas. Once he got dressed in so casual clothes headed out the door ignoring his lover's calls.

Dipper walked out about the halls of the castle taking the time to memorize where each one leads to. 'What am I to expect from a castle.' He thought. He eventually found the dinning room again and found his parents eating breakfast. "Morning Mother, Father." He greeted them with a smile.


"Morning to you too dear. Where's Bill?" His mother asked.

Dipper chuckled, "In our room, I think he's still whining that I got out of bed." He told her. "I better go check up on him. I'll come back for breakfast once I get him off the bed." His parents nodded and headed out of the dinning room.

When Dipper came back into his shared bedroom, Bill immediately jumped on him, casing them to fall on the floor.

"Your so mean, you know that?"

"I just wanted to look around Bill. There's no problem with that."

Bill kissed his love on the lips tenderly and got off of Dipper. "We have a long day today PineTree. You need to get with training, then you have your studies, practice with spells, learn the different languages-"

"We have to that all day?!" Dipper says in surprise.

Bill laughed,"Of course PineTree! Your practically the main person of this kingdom and represent it. Plus you'll be learning all of the others until you remember all of them accordingly throughout the years. You can't learn them in one day- well maybe if you were a certain demon though."

Dipper sighed and pecked Bill on the cheek with a blush. "Well, I might as well get started now than later, but first lets have breakfast."

+Gravity Falls 8 years later. (final time skip! I swear!)+

27 year old Mabel Pines was on the bus back to Gravity Falls, another start of summer was here again. With a bright smile plastered on her face wearing a new version of her pink shooting star sweater she use to wear when she was younger. Mabel's hair is slightly longer now and her personality hasn't changed a bit. Bouncing in her seat, excited to see her Grunkles again at the Mystery Shack. The bus came to a stop and she was mentally cheered.

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