Can you Forgive Me?

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+Demon World: The Royal Castle+

Mabel, Pacifica, and Gideon followed the two demons swiftly, careful not to get caught. They knew it was a really dumb thing to follow after them, but this was a opportunity to ask for Dipper's forgiveness.

"Young Master!" A servant demon, ran over to Bill and Dipper. "Your back from the human world. I was told to hand you this when you came back." The orange demon gave the brunet the paper.

"Ah! Thanks Ren, is this from my mother?" Dipper asked as he read the piece of paper.

Ren nodded, "If you'll excuse me Young Master, I'll be going back to my duties."

"Of course. See you around." Dipper smiled at Ren and the said demon disappeared with a pop.

Bill plucked the paper out of his lover's hands and read it aloud. "Dear Dipper, you have to attended you lessons for the rest of the day. Then when you finished all of those, please finish your paperwork in your office. We'll see you at dinner! Love your mom and dad." He finished and chuckled. "You heard the Queen, let's get your lessons over with along with your paperwork. Then I can probably steal your extra time to take you out on a date again." He smirked which caused Dipper to blush.

Dipper snatched the paper back from Bill's hands and walked away from the blond. "Just for that I'm locking my room so you can't sneak in."

"Wait! PineTree!~" Bill whined as he chased after Dipper.

~small timeskip~
+Dipper's Office+

The three humans were by the door of Dipper's office where he was almost done with his paperwork.

"Just this last one and... Done! Finally got sometime to relax." Dipper sighed in relief.

Bill, who was reading on the couch, got up from his seat and got Dipper to get out of his chair. "Now that we have some free time. Let's relax together shall we~" He says with a smile. Kissing his PineTree on the cheek and then on the demon's lips.

The latter kissed back and broke the connection, "I'd love to Bill." Dipper happily smiled. Just to be sure there would be no one to interrupt them, he sent out a little magic pulse to figure out if anyone was near by. He got three people standing in front of his office door. The brunet leaned close to Bill's ear, "There's three people behind the door and their not knocking. Trap them from behind and I'll go for the front". He whispered.

Bill expression turned serious and he nodded. Disappearing with a quiet 'be careful'.

The brunet faced the door and walked up to it silently. He put his hands on the door handle and opened it quickly.

The people behind the door frozen in their spots surprised.

Bill was behind them putting up a barrier to not let them escape.

Dipper's breath was caught in his throat when he saw them and Bill's eyes widened when he got a look at them. "Gideon? Pacifica? And Mabel?"

The named three looked at the two demons.

"Hi Dipper..." Mabel greeted slowly.

The Prince covered his mouth with bit of his hands and fell to his knees. His form trembling slightly as Bill held him by the shoulders trying to calm him down.

"PineTree clam down, it's okay..." His lover tries to sooth him, but the brunet passed out in his arms from shock. Bill glared at the three humans, "How did you three even get here?!" He growled out.

Bill's Favored Puppet [Billdip]Where stories live. Discover now