My Brother

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Finding out that Link and Rhett were both famous youtubers from LA turned my whole world upside down. It made me look at everything from a new perspective.
I'm determined to find them. I have no idea if they even want to see me, but it's worth a try. I mean, nothing bad will happen if they don't want to talk to me. I can just go on with my life.

"Are you okay, Kat?" Viki kept asking me.

I nodded simply, without giving a more detailed answer.
They promised me that they'll find Rhett and Link. I wasn't exactly sure how to react or respond. But they assured me that it's okay and I should try not to think about it all the time.

"How did you guys meet?" Thesa started interviewing me.

"I was riding my bike when these guys stormed past me. I fell and they tried to help me, which was super cute. We were about seven. Link's mom once told me that he'd liked me since the very first day we met. He was very honest with people. When he didn't like someone the first time he met them, they wouldn't probably have a chance to make themselves look better in his eyes. I was the luckiest girl ever."

"I can't believe it! You used to date Link Neal!" She exclaimed excitedly. "He really loved you, you know."

"How do you know?"

"Every time they talk about you, Link gets super serious. Once, he even had tears in his eyes. They tried to end the episode as quickly as possible, it ended up being only five minutes! If I only knew it was you he was talking about."

"I thought he didn't want to talk to me. You know, he never answered my calls."

"What the heck? He said that you didn't answer his calls."

Now I was staring at the wall, my mouth hanging open, confused like never before.
Why would he lie about that? I'm more than sure that I haven't had any calls from him. I mean, he has my mom's number, but mom would've told me if he had called. But what if he actually had?

"I need to go and see mom," I shook my head and stood up.

"Right now? Are you sure?" Victoria asked carefully.

For her, it probably seemed like I was going to attack her any moment. To be honest, I wasn't even controlling my actions anymore. I grabbed my bag, my laptop, camera and rushed outside, only stopping to hug Victoria and Theresa goodbye.
My car wasn't far, fortunately. I sat into the vehicle and tried to start the engine. But it wouldn't start. I groaned wearily and stepped out of the car, slamming the door close maybe a little too hard, quietly cursing under my breath. My hands were shaky from anxiety.

"May I help?" Someone from behind me said.

I turned around to face a man with dark brown hair and blue eyes, just like mine. He looked so similar to Link, but his hair was up like Rhett's. For a moment, I didn't know what to say.

"Actually, yes," I replied with a nervous laugh.

The man smiled, revealing his perfectly white teeth. I noticed he had three plain silver earrings on his right ear.
He sat into the car and tried to start it the same way I did at first.
Then, just seconds later, he chuckled a little. I had no idea why was I talking to that stranger, I usually didn't do that, but something about him made me trust him.

"You're out of gas," he stated.

My whole face turned red in embarrassment. Why hadn't I noticed that?

"Oh, well," I sighed. "Guess I'll be stuck here for a while."

He came out of the car and handed me the keys.

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