40. The Hospital

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We arrived at the hospital less than twenty minutes after. We stormed to the receptionist as fast as we could, eager to see Christine, but we weren't allowed in her hospital room yet.


"No 'but's, mister," the receptionist said and turned to face the computer again. "You will be informed when the patient wakes up, alright?"

"But I-"

"Alright?" She toned, giving Christopher the Evil Teacher look.

Christopher groaned wearily and dropped himself onto the chairs on the opposite side of the corridor. I followed suit. Hours passed without eating or drinking. We would just check the clock every few seconds. My feet were burning from anxiety and my heart was about to explode from worry.

Will she make it through?

Will she make it through?

Will she make it through?

Will she make it through?

Finally, Christopher got tired of waiting and stormed back to the receptionist.

"Look, I'm her brother and if you don't-"

"Oh, well. Go on, then." She sighed.

My jaw dropped. How the heck did that-? Oh well. Christopher looked at me with a puzzled look and we both shrugged. I have to admit, I was seriously tired of waiting for so long and the sudden act of kindness(?) brought a huge wave of relief with itself.
We got the room number without any further explanations needed and ran towards Christine's hospital room like idiots.
We burst in, almost scaring the crap out of the person there already.


Nope, that wasn't me dramatically calling Link's name while discovering him sitting there, holding Christine Kaitlyn Lane's hand while crying and desperately wishing for her to survive.

It was just Christine mumbling something in her sleep.

"Shhh!" The nurse hissed, making us jump.

I ignored the nurse, rushed over to Christine's bed immediately and sat down next to her.

"Is she waking up?" I whispered.

"Why would you think that?" The nurse snapped.

"She was just talking. I just assumed that she thought Link was here because of-"

"Because of all the noise you made when storming in? I wouldn't be surprised! No, she is not waking up yet. That might take hours, maybe even a whole day... Maybe even two, who knows. There's a possibility that she won't... You know."

Christopher took Christine's hand quietly and a single tear dropped on to her cheeks.

"You've made it this far, sister. Don't give up now."

The nurse seemed a bit annoyed that Chris touched her, but her expression softened immediately.

"What the hell happened exactly?" I asked, annoyed by the fact that everything bad always seemed to find Christine.

"Her car was parked safely but some jerk lost control of their vehicle and, well... Unfortunately she was in the car at the moment. I'm just surprised that there was such a dramatic accident so far from the town. There were hardly any other cars. But don't worry, the driver is under arrest now. That bastard... Got away without a single scratch on himself. Truly a miracle."

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