Dance Char Dance

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Charlie's POV

After the swim, we all came back to my place to play video games which ended with Dirk and Felix almost killing each other from Mario Kart.  Ana was getting used to the boys weirdness and started to show her true self which was super cute.  She finally got to meet my parents and we both got to know Ryan.  The boys enjoyed scaring Ryan, Ana thought it was funny and so did I.

"Alright bedtime guys, you can prank Ryan tomorrow when we get back." I said to the three boys who were sitting on Ryan and my dad.  

"Awe!" All the men said at the same time.

"You can stay up and be tired tomorrow but I'm getting sleep." I waved to everyone then headed upstairs.  I looked back to see Ana following me up the stairs.  "Going to bed as well?"

"Yup, I don't know how the boys are so if I sleep now they won't keep me up later." Ana yawned.  "I'm also tired from all that swimming."

"Same and Felix talks in his sleep so sleeping now is a good idea." I opened my door and motioned for Ana to go first.

"Yup, so they are sleeping on the floor?" Ana walked over to my bed and sat down.

"Yup, they would of slept in the other room but Ryan sleeps there now."  I said before yawning.  "I don't want to be weird but I like sleeping without a shirt."

"That's fine, I normally sleep without pants." Ana whispered a little flustered.

"Then rid of the pants, the boys don't care.  We are that close and that weird and since we are family we don't care who is naked." I said pulling off my shirt, Ana just started blushing before slowly pulling off her pants.  Ana smiled shyly before crawling into my bed, I turned off the light and crawled into bed next to Ana.  She was facing me and I faced her.

"Are you nervous about tomorrow?" Ana asked, she yawned again before digging deeper into the blankets.

"Always, I used to do it with a group but they moved across state and I couldn't go with.  I found out that the school had solo dancers competition so I signed up for that." 

"How many have you done?" Ana whispered.

"This is my tenth competition for sophomore year, I did seven in ninth grade." I whispered back, "well we better get some sleep.  Night Ana."

"Night Charlie."  Ana scooted closer to me and slowly drifted off to sleep, I just watched her since I don't sleep until the sun starts to rise.  Never understood my sleeping patterns, oh well.

In the morning, I climbed out of bed without waking or stepping on anyone.  I wandered downstairs where I found Ryan sitting on the couch staring out the window.  I opened my mouth to say something but he cut me off.

"Our neighbors are werewolves." Ryan said without taking his gaze off the window.

"Stop stalking our neighbors and don't say things like that around Ana." I said sternly, Ryan is creepy sometimes.

"Sorry and I only know that because the kid is outside staring at me." Ryan pointed out the window, I walked over to the window and saw a small dirty blonde wolf pup.  He didn't take his gaze off Ryan, even though I was standing in front of the window shirtless.

"Weird." I said before closing the curtains, soon after the pup started whining.  "Go away!" I shouted, "come on I'm making breakfast." I patted Ryan's head before walking into the kitchen to make breakfast.

"Puncakes?" I looked down at Ryan who was smiling up at me.

"Did you say Puncake?" I asked, Ryan nodded.  He skipped over to the fridge to gather something.  "I guess I'm making pancakes."

"Puncake!" Ryan shouted, he threw an egg at me which I dodged.  The egg hit the wall behind me.  

"Your cleaning that up." I said laughing, Ryan pouted but soon started laughing as well.  "Your weird, don't stop and I won't hate you." I tossed Ryan a towel so he could clean up.

"Were you happy that your parents took me in?" Ryan asked, he started cleaning up the egg mess.

"They didn't ask me if I wanted a sibling.  I was used to being the only child, since I was the only one without a kid brother or sister."  I started making the pancakes with Ryan's help.  We managed to make enough for everyone, plus me and Ryan snuck blood in my parent's drinks since they won't be able to drink blood in front of Ana.

"I smell food!" I grabbed Ryan and pulled him out of Dirk's way.  Nobody get's between Dirk and his food unless you want to get turned into a pancake.  

"Can you not Dirk?" Groaned Felix as he trudged downstairs while dragging Dean by his ankle.  

"Doesn't that hurt him?" I perked up when I heard Ana's sleepy voice following Felix and the sound of Dean's body hitting each step.  

"Felix stop dragging the idiot." I said while taking the huge stacks of pancakes away from Dirk before he ate them all.

"He won't wake up." Felix moaned before dropping Dean.

"Is he okay?" Ana asked, she knelt down to Dean side and started poking him.

"Dean is a little weird, he doesn't feel anything in the mornings.  We blame Dirk since he liked pushing his brother out of bed when they were younger." I said while flicking Dirk's head.  "No one can figure out why he is numb in the morning but not numb the rest of the day."

"I broke my brother." Dirk said around the food in his mouth.

"Yea, good job." Felix growled at Dirk.

"Down doggy, eat up.  We need to hit the road in about an hour if we want to be early." Dirk said pointing his fork at Felix.  

"Sorry about my family, again, I forgot how they acted in the morning." I apologized, Ana just giggled.

"No, it's fine.  I like your family, they are very entertaining." Ana served herself before sitting down to eat.  

"Yo Angel! I have to tell you something." We all looked towards the backdoor to see Fiona standing there with her hair a mess.  "Hello kids, why are you up so early?"

"Dance competition, I told you this mom." Felix face palmed, yup my family is special.

"Oh yea, any who where is your mother?" Fiona asked me while eying Ana.

"Asleep still, the boys kept her up late last night." I said glaring at the boys.  "Why are you here Fiona?"

"Um, some old friends moved here and well they are living next door." Fiona said while rubbing her head.  

"Wait, do they have a son?" Felix asked, "a boy our age, Irish, looks dark but is really nice?" 

"Yup, Lucas.  They also have another Tigerlily's age, I haven't met them yet but I know the father's." Fiona tilted her head.  "Well, I'm off to wake your mother.  If you hear screaming and murder, please ignore." Fiona smiled at us before heading upstairs.

"That is our cue to eat and leave." I said before digging into my food.

After we finished eating and got away from my crazy mother, we piled up into my car and headed out of town.  I told Ana everything that was going to happen there; from the different dances to the people there, I also let her know that the winner goes to state and the winners gets a scholarship for college.  

"I hope you win Charlie, you are a great dancer." Ana said with a smile.

"You only saw me dance once." I said while not taking my eyes off the road.

"True but that one time is enough, you are amazing.  I never seen a breakdancer before and I like how you dance." I flushed at Ana'a words.

"Thanks Ana I like your dance as well, very graceful and beautiful." I said shyly.

"Oh shut up and kiss her already." Mumbles Dirk, I glared at him in the review mirror.

"Sorry about that Ana." I looked over and saw that she was blushing.

"It's okay." She whispered, can she get any more cuter?  She was now looking out the window but I could still see the red tint on her cheeks.  "I don't mind at all." She looked back at me and smiled brightly.  Wait does she like me back?  

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