No more Charlie

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Ana's POV

I woke up just in time to here someone leaving the house.  I sat up and stretched out my arms and back.  Man I slept great, I wonder what that medicine was that Angel gave me.  I let out a yawn just as Death let out a small mew.  I looked around the room and noticed Charlie's things were gone.  Oh shit, school!  I jumped out of bed, just to trip and fall on the floor. 

"Ow!" I whined rubbing my face.  I got up and grabbed my phone to text Charlie.

A: Hey why didn't you wake me up for school?

C: Sorry, you were so dead asleep that I didn't want to wake you.  Also, my mom told me you were upset last night that you couldn't get sleep so I wanted you to get some sleep.

A: Oh, so how is school so far?

Charlie didn't answer right away so I assumed she was in class.  Well that is what I thought until I heard my phone go off again.

C: I sprained my ankle in dance class, my dad is picking me up.

A: Oh, I'm sorry.  I guess I'll see you in a bit?

C: My dad is taking me to the hospital to double check on my ankle.

A: Oh okay

C: Yea, well I got to go

A: Ok, I'll see you later.

Charlie didn't answer so I just crawled back into bed and tried to sleep.  I wonder how Charlie hurt her ankle in class since she is an amazing dancer.

Charlie's POV

I sat in the in the nurses office waiting for my dad, Dirk was here with me while I waited.  He was trying to cheer me up the whole time.  I looked up at Dirk which caused him to smile, I guess he thought he succeeded.  I shook my head and handed him my care keys.

"I guess you are driving everyone home today, be lucky I'm letting you drive my car." I mumbled before looking back down at my wrapped ankle.

"Come on Charlie, don't be like that.  Your ankle will heal." Dirk knelt down so he was in my face.

"You don't understand Dirk, Bunny put a fucking spell on me where I can't dance anymore." I whispered shouted at him.  Dirk sighed.

"Let me guess, it was that spell that takes away someone's talent?" Dirk whispered back.

"Yea, she was going to use it on Lucas too." I said sadly.  "She was going to ruin two people's lives for the fun of it." I whispered.

"Do you want me to speak to her?" I shook my head no even though he was going to do it anyway.  "I have fourth period with her."

"Just be careful Dirk." Dirk just smiled at my words.

"I'm always careful." I gave him a look just before my dad walked in.

"Hey Charlie, I brought your mom's old crutches." I thanked my dad as he handed them to me.  "Well like I said, I'm taking you to the hospital to double check your ankle."

"Okay, well let's get going." I stood up and balanced myself with the crutches.  "I guess I'll see you later Dirk, you better take care of the car." Dirk nodded then left for his class.  

(Time skip)

I sat on the couch staring at the black screen of the t.v.  Ana was sleeping upstairs in my room and I didn't feel like waking her up.  I didn't even feel like moving at all, the doctor said I twisted my ankle really bad that it is going to take to a few weeks to a month to heal.  How does someone twist their ankle that bad?  

I let out a deep breath and got up, my dad went to my mom's job to pick me up a red velvet cake since it's my favorite.  I sighed, wobbling out the back door and into the woods.  I needed to get away, to think about what I'm going to do.  State match is in a couple of months and Bunny took the only good thing away from me.  The only reason I'm living.

It took a couple of hours for me to reach the grave sight, I painfully sat down in front of my uncle's graves.  I laid the crutches beside me and smiled sadly the two wooden crosses.  I wish I got to know my uncles, from all the stories my mom and dad told me about them.  I wish I could here their voices as they give me advice about boys even though I don't need it.  Well now I need to get a few things off my chest and I know I can talk to these men. 

"Hey Zero, Asher, I'm sorry its been awhile since I stopped by and talk to you.  I wish I met you guys, I feel like I would of loved you guys.  I know I told you this every time I come to visit, but this time I need your advice." I laid down and sighed.  "A witch took my only reason for living.  I never told anyone but I don't want to be alive.  Something told me I shouldn't be living, something in my head keeps saying that I shouldn't be here and I started to believe it in middle school.  I thought maybe I should end it but then I started dancing and I fell in love with it.  I don't want to die because I had a reason to live, dancing was my reason." Tears were now dripping down my cheeks.  "Now I can't dance because of some stupid witch and hybrid.  I lost it Zero, Asher, I can't do this anymore." I started sobbing.  "I don't want to be alive anymore, I know momma and dad won't miss me because they have Ryan now and maybe even Ana." I tried sitting up but I fell back onto my back and started crying harder.

"Charlie?" I ignored Fiona's voice and continued crying.  "Charlie, are you okay?" She got down next to me and put my head in her lap.  "What's wrong baby girl?" I just rolled over and cried into her lap.  "I'm going to call your mother, is that okay?" I just nodded slowly.  I continued to cry while Fiona talked to my mom over the phone.  

"Fiona, what was Zero like?" I choked once she got off the phone.

"He was a nice guy, always made sure people had smiles on their faces.  He was a sweet guy, you would of loved him.  Why are you asking all of the sudden Charlie?" I just shook my head and cried.  "Listen sweet heart, your mom wants me to take you home.  I heard about your ankle so I had one of our pack friends to come to help me."

"She knows me Fiona, hey Char." I looked towards Lucas but quickly looked away.  I didn't want him to see me like this, to see me so weak when I acted so strong.  

"Please take me home, I'm tired." I whispered.

"Sure thing sweet heart, Lucas will you grab her crutches please?" 

"Yes ma'am." I slowly drifted off to sleep in my aunt's arms.  

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