Wake up my princess

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Ana's POV

I had my back against the backdoor, poor Ryan.  He had to go though one death already, he doesn't need to go through another.  I sighed before heading towards the front door.

"Where are you going?" Lucas asked, I looked over my shoulder a little and smiled.

"I'm going to go see Charlie before it's to late." I smiled then exited the house.

"You're not going by yourself." I jumped at Felix's voice, he was parked in front of the house.

"I thought you went for a run?" I asked hopping in his car.

"I did, I was going to go see Dirk and Charlie before bed."  Felix smiled, showing off his canines.

"Well let's go see Charlie and Dirk." Felix smiled and nodded before driving off.

When we arrived, Fiona, Michael, Snow, Skye, and Becky's parents were leaving.  Snow was pushing Dirk in a wheelchair.  He was complaining about not walking, it was funny to see.

"Is it really that bad to have someone else push you around?" Felix asked while walking up to the group.

"Yes, I like walking on my own.  Felix carry me please." Dirk held out his arms for Felix to pick him up.

"Oh, you don't want to be pushed around but you want me to carry you?" Felix chuckled, he walked over to Dirk and hugged him.  "Missed you bro, Dean hasn't been the same without you." I smiled at the two boys talking.

"Hey Ana, what you doing here?" I looked over at River who was holding two cups of coffee.

"I wanted to see Charlie before visiting hours are over." I said walking with him.

"Oh okay, well I'm trying to convince Angel to go home and rest." River sighed, he was tired.

"Maybe I can convince her to go home, Ryan is started to feel lonely.  I heard him talking to Dean about his old family.  I didn't know Ryan had an older sister." River looked confused before yawning.

"I didn't know that, maybe we should go home and make sure he is okay." River yawned again.

"I don't mind staying here with Charlie for a bit while you go home and rest." I said with a faint smile.

"Thank you Ana, now we just have to convince Angel to leave." River chuckled, we walked into the room Charlie was in.  She was still sleeping on the bed, she looks so much paler then the first night she was brought here.

"Ana?" Angel sleepily asked.

"Honey, let's go home tonight.  Ryan is feeling down and he needs us, let's leave Ana here for a while so you can go home and rest.  We can come back up here after we get some sleep okay." River handed Angel one of the cups of coffee.

"But what if she..." Angel sighed, she looked back at Charlie.  "Fine, but we come right back here when we get enough sleep and bathe." 

"Okay honey, I promise but you need sleep and a shower." River whispered, he gently kissed her head. Angel stood up, she leaned down and kissed Charlie on the head.

"I'll be right back sweet heart." Angel squeezed Charlie's hand.  River grabbed Angel's free hand with his, they walked out of the room.  I watched them leave before sitting down in the chair next to Charlie's bed.  

"Wow, you convinced Aunt Angel to leave.  Good job human." I looked over at the door and smiled at Felix pushing Dirk into the room.  "My mom couldn't even get her to leave." Chuckled Dirk, Felix pushed him closer to the bed.

"She looks so pale." Whispered Felix, "I wish she would hurry and wake up, I miss her being well herself."

"Same, I need Charlie.  Who else am I going to tease?" Dirk pouted, tried standing up but his legs were shaky so he sat back down.  "Ugh my poor legs haven't been used in forever!" He whined.

"Oh shush, now let's get you home so Dean can stop being so snappy." Felix pulled the wheelchair back and aimed it towards the door.  "Well we are  heading back to the house with the adults, someone will come later to pick you up."

"Angel and River should be coming back, I'm they will send me home in their car." They nodded and left the room after saying their goodbyes.  I looked down at Charlie's sleeping form, she looked so peaceful.  "Charlie, you need to wake up.  Everyone is missing you, Ryan is missing you.  I heard him talking about how you remind him of his sister before she died." I grabbed Charlie's hand and squeezed it.  "I miss you, I miss you a lot." I felt tears fill my eyes.  "I think I love you Charlie, I love you so much." I tighten my grip on her hand and started crying.  "I should of told you sooner, I love you even after what I saw.  I wanted to tell you but I could never find you.  "Please Charlie, come back to me." I laid my head on the bed and continued crying.  "Please, I love you Charlie."  

"Wow, she really is gay." I raised my head and glared over at Kasper and Bunny. 

"Yea, so you made me do the spell for a stupid reason." Bunny hissed, she pushed Kasper into the room.  "Apologized now, Charlie is in a coma and almost died.  The girl that loves Charlie is in pain because she can't hold the woman she loves." 

"I understand that Bunny, I see that I was being a stupid bitch." Kasper snapped before walking over to Charlie's side.  I continued to glare at her as she stood next Charlie's bed.  "I'm sorry Charlie, I should of realized that I was being stupid.  I shouldn't of acted the way I did and I'm really sorry." My glare soften when Kasper started crying.  Bunny walked up and put a hand on Kasper's shoulder.

"I'm sorry about this Ana, I told Charlie how to get rid of the spell.  It is pretty much a cheesy Disney movie move." Bunny whispered before leading Kasper out of the room.  I watched them leave, tears still falling down my cheeks.  

"Cheesy Disney movie move?" I asked aloud before looking at Charlie.  "Like a Disney movie, what does that mean?" I laid my head back down on the bed and stared at her peaceful looking face.  "Remember when you took my first kiss for that dare?  I was really happy that you kissed me, I felt sparks when your lips touched mine.  Did you feel the sparks?  Do you remember when I tried helping you dance even after you went mute and wounded your ankle. " I giggled at the memory.  "Did you know you cuddle when you sleep, when I wake up before you, you are always cuddling me.  It was so cute, you wrapping your taller frame around my smaller one."  I yawned, "I'm going to get some sleep, is that okay?" I leaned up and kissed Charlie on the lips.  " I love you Charlie, please come back to me." I whispered before drifting off into a dreamless sleep.

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