Don't Worry...I'm Okay

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Alone. That's what you were.

Ever since Weirdmageddon ended and the Pines Twins left Gravity Falls because the summer was over, the town completely ignored you. You couldn't leave your house with out getting rude looks or mean comments from people. You would go to the diner and Lazy Susan would completely ignore you. The whole town pretty much hated you now.

Now care to let me explain on why the people of the town hates you so much. The answer is simple, you knew Bill Cipher. You were close to Bill Cipher. You loved Bill Cipher.

That's right. Before the whole weird apocalypse thing, you and the crazy Dream Demon were in love and dated for pretty much the whole summer.

You had no idea that he was planning to take over the world, but the people didn't seem to care.

You see, during the whole apocalypse thing, you were the only human Bill kept around. At the very top of Bill's pyramid, you stayed in a nice room, away from all danger Bill thought could hurt you. He'd visit you everyday in his human form and keep you company.

You didn't care at the time that Bill was destroying your world. In fact, you supported him. You loved him, and knowing that you could live happily with him and his demons made you so unspeakably happy.

When you found out that Bill didn't survive, you were heartbroken. You hated the town's folk for taking away the person you loved most. But your hate towards them did not compare to hate they had towards you.

When they found you in the ruble of the pyramid, they thought you were some sort of prisoner. But when they saw you burst into tears when you found out Bill was dead, they knew you were on his side all a long.

They had no idea what to do when you came out with the truth and told them that you and Bill had feelings towards each other. Some wanted to kick you out of town. Some wanted you dead. Some wanted to throw you in the woods and let the creatures finish you off.

Of course, none of that actually happened. Thanks to your good friend Mable. She was the only one who knew about you and Bill. She kept it a secret and supported you two. She said that you guys made a cute couple. Mable, being one of heroes, managed to convince no harm would come to you. The town unhappily agreed.

You thought things would get better, but they didn't. When The Twins left, that's when all the ignoring started. The town wasn't allowed to physically harm you, but they were never told they couldn't emotionally harm you.

You began to have nightmares. Each night you would witness Bill dying in new ways. You would wake up in tears every night. You would always tell yourself that Bill would use his power over dreams to make them go away, but then you would realize that he couldn't...because he was gone.


A month had past after Weirdmageddon and The Pines Twins departure.

You sat at your dining room table, eating a meal out of food you had found in the woods. Since the people still ignore you, you decided to stay in the woods, away from everyone. You now live in a small cottage. You had put a protection barrier around it that Bill had taught you. You had to protect yourself from the creatures, who weren't very happy with you either.

You finished your food, cleaned your dishes, and put them in the sink. It was getting late, so you decided that maybe you should get to bed. You walked down the hall of the cottage you lived in until you reached a door. You grabbed the doorknob and opened the door.

Your room was small, but had a huge window. A wardrobe sat in the corner and your twin sized sat against the opposite wall from where the wardrobe sat. You didn't own much stuff. Most of it was destroyed during Weirdmageddon.

Don't Worry...I'm Okay (Human Bill Cipher X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now