Chapter 5: Sleepy Bill

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Bill had always told you that demons don't need sleep...lies.

You had gone out into the woods to find items Bill told you to get. He told you these items were very important to him. Apparently, these items would help him gain energy.

Most of the things on this list were just crystals in hidden caves and special insects hidden under rocks. You didn't see how these would help him, but you got them anyway.

By the time you were done, it was nearly sun down and you had a bag full of crystals and bottles of insects. The insects kinda looked like butterflies, but their wings didn't match.

You marched up to the barrier that protected your house. You set your heavy stuff on the ground and waved your hand, opening the barrier. You picked up your stuff and walked up to the door, which you managed to open with your foot.

"Bill I'm back!" You called. "And I have your weird stuff!"

No one answered...strange.

You set the stuff down on your coffee table and went to look for Bill. You checked the living room, not there. You checked the kitchen, not there. You checked the hallway, not there. The last place you didn't check was your room, he must be in there.

You slowly opened your bedroom door and poked your head threw. "Bill?"

What you saw was probably the cutest thing you've ever seen.

Bill was laying on floor sound asleep. He had his tail coat neatly folded and used it as a pillow. His hat sat on the floor beside him.

You giggled at the sight in front of you and tip-toed over to him. You kneeled down beside his head and moved a strand of yellow hair out of his face. Bill let out a sigh, you quietly laughed at this.

You wondered why he didn't just use your bed. Probably so you wouldn't find out he was sleeping and didn't want to come off as weak. Apparently, to him, sleeping is for the weak.

You always told me demons didn't need sleep.

You ran your fingers through his hair, causing Bill to lean into your touch while in his sleep.

I bet you just wanted me out of the house so I wouldn't see you like this. Those objects don't do anything, do they?

You continued to run your fingers through Bill's yellow locks, causing him to stir. Bill groaned and his eye slowly opened.

Bill gave you a sleepy look. "(Y/n)?"

You smiled. "You're such a lier."

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