Chapter 7: Swimming

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You were alseep, but you could feel someone poking your cheek. You groaned and turned away, but the poking didn't stop.

You finally got fed up with the poking and opened one eye to see who it was. It was Bill in his human form.

You slowly sat up and glared at him. "What?"

"Good morning, my sweet!" He laughed.

"Why are you waking me up?" You growled. "You know how much I love sleep."

"Oh I know!" Bill nodded. "But today I'm going to ignore that because I have something to tell you!"

"What is it?" You asked, no emotion in your voice.

"I'm taking you swimming!"

You let out a dying llama noise and fell back on to your pillow.

Bill clapped. "That was truly beautiful, but get up."

You mumbled a "no" to him.

Bill sighed and shook his head. "You leave me no choice."

Bill raised his hand and you were levatated from your bed into the air.

You let out a scream. "BILL PUT ME DOWN!"

Bill chuckled and had you float right into his arms.

Bill smirked down at you. "Why hello there~"

You glared at him. "Put. Me. Down."

Bill's smirk didn't leave his face. He leaned his face down to the crook of your neck. "We need to get you undressed and into a bathing suit."

You could feel Bill's hand go up your pajama shirt and your face turned beat red. You let out a shriek and shoved Bill's face away, causing him to drop you.

Bill gave you a worried look "(y/-"

"I CAN GET DRESSED MY SELF!" You screamed as you jumped to your feet and shoved him out of your room.

Bill chuckled. Works every time.


You got dressed into your swimsuit, Bill made a few sexual comments, but you ignored him. Now you were off to where ever Bill was taking you.

Bill skipped through the trees with your hand in his, while you awkwardly walked next to him. You rubbed your arm, you felt really exposed.

"WE'RE HERE!!!!" Bill cheered as a forest water spring came into view.

It truly was a beautiful spring. The water was completely blue and deep enough for you to swim in. There was even a water fall!

You let go of Bill's hand and ran over to the body of water before crouching down in front of it. You smiled at how clean the water looked.

You heard Bill's foot steps coming up from behind you and he stopped next to. You looked up at him and immediately blushed. He was slowly taking his shirt off.

"B-Bill! What- what are you doing!?" You studdered.

Bill smiled down at you. "Being hot~"

You blushed even more, causing Bill to smirk.

"Like what you see?" Bill asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

With out saying a word, you got up...and pushed Bill in the water. Bill yelped before hitting the water.

You laughed as Bill came up from under the water and coughed.

"Aw! (Y/nnnnn)!" Bill whined. "You didn't even let me finish taking my shirt off!"

Bill threw off his shirt and it landed on the dry ground.

You crouched down in front of him and smirked. "It's what you get."

Bill pouted before his eyes grew wide and he smirked, confusing you. He suddenly put his arms up, wrapped them around you, and pulled you in.

Bill came up, not once letting go of you. You tried to get away, but Bill didn't let you.

"Let me go!"

Bill got close to your face and whispered. "Never."

You kneed his stomach, causing him to immediately let go of you.

"Ow...hehe...Hey! Come back!" Bill screamed at you as you swam off.

You laughed evily, not listening to hiss command. Bill growled and swam after you, prepared to never let you go.



You looked up from the spring to see Bill standing on top of the water fall.


"Don't break your face!" You called up to him.

Bill waved and laughed. "I WON'T!!!"

Bill suddenly jumped off the water fall and landed dangerously close to you. You screamed then screamed some more when you felt Bill wrap his arms around your waist.

You yelped as Bill resurfaced, picking you up in the process. You held on to his shoulders as he held you up by his waist.

"Are you proud of me?" He asked.

"Yes I am" you smiled, moving his blonde locks out of his face. "But you scared me half to death, soooo..."

You put your hands on top Bill's head and dunked him under water.


"Sunshine look!"

You looked at Bill who went under water and did a hand stand. He came up and breathed in a gulp of air.

"Hand staaaaaaand!" He sang, making jazz hands.


You let out a yawned. You were completely out of energy and were ready to take a nap.

"You tired?" Bill asked.

You looked up at him. You were sitting in between Bill's legs with his arms wrapped around you as you watched the water fall.

You nodded and yawned once again.

"You ready to go home?" He asked.

You nodded again.

You two were about to get up when you heard a rustling in the bushes. Both you and Bill's heads snapped towards the sound.

"Who's there?!" Bill called out, sounding threatening. "Come out!!!"

The bushes suddenly rustled again. Bill growled, he didn't like that this person wasn't listening to him. He got up and stalked over to the bushes.

"Bill, be careful!" You whisper/yelled.

Bill put his hand out in front of the bushes and a person immediately levitated out of the bushes.

The person had long red hair and wore a green flannel shirt. It also looked like she was wearing Dipper's hat.

"PUT ME DOWN!!!!" She screamed, thrashing about in the air.

This girl looked awfully familiar to you. It suddenly hit you! You knew who this was!

Wendy Corduroy.

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