Chapter 10: What About School?

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No one believed Wendy when she claimed Bill Cipher was alive.

Wendy went up to every person she could find, asking for help. Some laughed, some said she was delusional, others ignored her because of the 'Never Mind All That' act.

After that, Wendy went straight to the Mystery Shack and told Soos, of course he believed her. Then she sent out a message to Stan and Ford, but they were all the way out in the middle of the ocean, who knows when they would see it!

As Soos was trying to figure out a plan of attack, Wendy realized there were two more people she had to warn about Bill's return.

Wendy quickly pulled out her phone and dialed a number Dipper had given her at the end of the summer.

A lady picked up.

"Hello! This is the Pine's House!" The lady greeted.

Wendy introduced herself and asked if she could speak to Dipper. The lady agreed.

A few moments later, Dipper was saying hello and asked Wendy what was up.

As much as Wendy wanted to have a casual conversation with the twin, there was business that needed to be taken care.

"Now is not the time for catching up, Dipper!" Wendy said. "Something awful has happened!"

"What?! What's happened?!" Dipper asked, panic laced his voice.

Before Wendy could say anything, Soos took the phone.

"Dude, I think I know exactly what happened! It's one of many theories, I consult them with people on the internet and this is the one that could be the most correct!" Soos explained. "So I believe Stan is no longer Stan and Bill has taken over his body and-"

"Soos! Give me back my phone!" Wendy snatched the phone and put it to her ear. "And by the way, your theory doesn't make sense!"

"You didn't even let me finish!" Soos whined.

"Guys!" Dipper interrupted. "What's going on?!"

"It's Bill Cipher!" Wendy practically yelled into the phone. "He's returned!"

Everyone went silent. It was like that for a couple seconds until Dipper spoke in a quiet, scared voice.

"How...did this happened?" Dipper asked.

"I have no idea, but I bet that (y/n) girl had something to do with it!" Wendy growled, just the mere thought of you made her blood boil. "I bet she sold her sole or something to a creature in the woods just to bring him back to life."

"So you don't know?" Dipper asked.

"I was kidnapped by them, Dipper!" Wendy said. "I was thinking more about how I was going to escape than how Bill was alive!"

"You were kidnapped?" Dipper gasped. "Oh god. This is bad, what if he does this to more people? Not everyone isn't as gifted as you Wendy! What do we do?!"

"That's why I'm calling you." Wendy said. "I need you to some how get to Gravity Falls and help us out!"

Dipper gasped then started sputtering. "I...I can't just leave!"

"But Dipper..." Wendy tried to persuade him. "You're the only one who truly knows about this stuff! You're our only help!"

"Wendy, I have school! I can't leave, I have to think about my education!"

Wendy groaned. "Oh my gosh Dipper! You're supposed to live life on the edge, and besides, Gravity Falls needs you!"

Dipper began to think.

"Okay." He said. "In a couple of months, I'll be let out for a week for Thanksgiving, I'll see if I can come then."

"A couple of months!?" Wendy gasped. "That's so long! What do we do while we wait!"

"Stall him, I guess" Dipper suggested. "Just find a way to keep him from attacking the town."

Wendy thought for a second and suddenly smirked.

"I just came up with something." Wendy said. "See you in a couple of months, then you can see what it is."

"Sounds like a plan." Dipper said. "I need to go tell Mabel what's going on."

"See ya, Dipper."

"Bye, Wendy."

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