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A/N: This was posted in my Scomiche oneshots book but I wanted to repost the Scolex chapters over here in this new book!!

Alex ran a hand through his hair and hugged his pillow tighter as he watched yet another snapchat story of Mitch and Scott being cute together. He knew that the two were best friends and nothing more, but that didn't really help the green demon inside of him and the fraying edges of his heart caused by people who had decided that he wasn't Mitch so he couldn't date someone like Scott.

The next few months were going to be rough for him.

Alex would regularly go out partying with some friends to keep himself busy. It was better than being home alone with only Wyatt and his thoughts to keep himself company. It wasn't every night, though. More often than not, he'd end up Skyping Scott after a show and just talking for hours. Then he'd fall asleep holding his pillow and letting the small hairless cat curl up at his feet.

Alex woke up with a grin. Today was finally the last day of tour, meaning that he got to see Scott again. Of course he'd travelled occasionally to see him while he was on tour but his job was a priority and he knew that his friends could only look after Wyatt for so long. The sky was a clear blue, although it was still a little bit cold, but it was still quite a nice day which just added to Alex's good mood.

He quickly showered and got ready, going shopping with his best friend Megg before having lunch and going back home to set up for the night. He'd obviously planned a welcome home surprise, and he was hoping it would go as smoothly as possible.

Everything was finished at just the right time to go out to the airport and pick up his boy... And Mitch.

Keys. Check. Wallet. Check. Tissues. Check.

What? There were definitely going to be tears from someone.

Alex was wearing Scott's blue cloud printed Joyrich jumper, the only piece of clothing he'd left behind that still held his scent as he drove to the airport, Taylor Swift blasting from the speakers and getting him all hyped up to see his boyfriend again. It was lame but he didn't even care at this point.

Checking his phone, Alex realised that in his excitement, he'd arrived an hour early. A fair few re-watched superfruit episodes, the arrival of Jeremy, and a round of Starbucks later, Alex was waiting at the gate, his bag sitting on a chair with drinks for the whole band waiting as he used his height to see over the crowd for his best friends and boyfriend. The familiar blond head appeared and he moved through the crowd faster than humanly possible then flung himself at his boyfriend who caught him and laughed.

"Hey Allie." Scott grinned when he was finally able to breathe, Alex's grip loosening a little.

"Hey. I missed you Scottie."

"I missed you too, Kirk."

The two boys started tearing up, just holding each other.

"Okay y'all are too cute. Stop it or mommy's gonna cry." The pair pulled apart and grinned up at the small Italian, Alex moving to hug Mitch too.

After a lot of hugging and handing out of Starbucks, everyone was ready to go home and relax.

In the car, Mitch sat in the front while Scott spread out across the back seat, letting his legs unwind from the cramped car seat. But before he could turn the car on, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and pulled it out with only a small amount of struggling, finding a text from Mitch.

Queen Grassi: You're planning something romantic for him tonight, aren't you?

Captain Kirk: Yeah, don't tell him though please! :*

Queen Grassi: Wouldn't dream of it. What is it?? Spill!

"Will you two stop texting? I just want to get home..." Scott groaned as Alex was in the middle of his reply, making him nod quickly and put his phone away.

"Yeah, of course. Someone was just asking for information but we can tell them tomorrow." Alex shot a teasing smirk at Mitch who rolled his eyes and the action was completely missed by Scott.

They drove home and Alex played Rozzi Crane's EP, he and Scott singing along happily as the smallest male stayed quiet, too exhausted from the tour and flights and just everything. He eventually fell asleep in the car, curled up in his seat happily.

Alex parked and carried Mitch up to his room, putting him in the bed as Scott brought the baggage in and was greeted by a very tired but nevertheless very excited Wyatt, luckily allowing Alex to finish setting up his surprise.

"Scotty..." Alex walked over and sat with his boyfriend and his cat, cuddling with them before he put a blindfold over Scott's eyes. "I have a surprise for you..." He said softly.

"This isn't some kinky tying me up shìt Allie, is it? I mean, I'll do it if you've discovered you're into it, but I'm too tired-" Alex cut him off with a gentle kiss and made him stand up, leading him to their bedroom slowly, his heart racing as he hoped that Scott would like it.

They finally got up to the room with Scott only walking into one or two walls, Alex stopping him "ready?" He asked nervously and as Scott nodded fast he took the blindfold off.

The room had white sheets and blankets hanging from the walls and propped up on chairs and on the bed and anywhere that would hold them up, creating the perfect blanket fort. There were fairy lights shining through the blankets and it all led to a little nest of pillows in the middle of the floor and their small television set up, Life Is Beautiful ready to play and a box of pizza waiting to be eaten. Alex had to put a mental note to remind him to thank Megg for getting that for them.

"Allie!!! This is so cute!" Scott screeched and hugged him tightly, tears threatening to fall before he moved into the room and sat amongst the pillows, his boyfriend following happily.

"I'm glad you liked it... I was worried you wouldn't."

"Well I didn't want to be rude, but now that you bring it up..."

"Oh shush and just eat your pizza!" Alex laughed and leaned against the slightly taller male, pulling the box closer before Scott started to tickle him and he dropped it, squealing and squrming. "STOPPPPPP!!!" He almost started crying with laughter when Scott finally stopped and he smiled "thank you." He kissed him softly, Scott immediately responding and kissing him back lovingly.

The night progressed and the two watched the movie while eating their pizza, finishing it quite quickly and Alex then bringing out a pint of half baked icecream and two spoons. Scott took the first scoop and held it up to the other's lips. "Open?" He asked softly, Alex doing what he was told and letting Scott feed him before returning the favour.

However, when Scott next went to feed him he 'accidentally' missed and got it on Alex's nose. "Oh no!" He chuckled sarcastically and leaned over to lick it off, causing his boyfriend to burst out in a fit of giggles. They continued this until they'd almost finished it all, both of them covered in icecream and each other's saliva.

"I missed you." Scott admitted, laying down in the pile of pillows and pulling a happy and obliging Alex into his chest to snuggle, both of them still eating their icecream.

"You have no idea how much I missed you too." He said softly.

"I guess you'll just have to come on tour with me next time..." He mumbled and they both fell asleep tangled together with smiles on their faces.

Vote, comment, and share? Don't forget that I'm always taking requests! Love ya'll xox
Tumblr: superfruitfttronnor

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