How Long?

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A/N: I was going through the notes on my phone and I found this unfinished oneshot. So naturally, I finished it. It's a sad one, sorry kiddos. 

"How long has this been going on?" Scott held the pill bottle tightly in one hand, his entire body shaking.

"A few months..." Alex looked at the ground where he stood, trying to control the familiar nausea building in his stomach.

Scott kept staring as if he was suddenly going to explode in a puff of smoke and he felt another bout of nausea wash over his body.

Ten minutes later Alex was slumped over the toilet, his body heaving with the last of his stomach contents settling.

"Alex..." Scott tried stopping him as he went to leave the bathroom, making his boyfriend wince.

"Scott." He said softly and kept walking, his head hung. He moved to stand in front of the floor length mirror that took up part of the wall.

"At least my hair isn't falling out..." Alex ran his fingers over his face, trying to find signs of illness that weren't there. Except for the pale skin and dark circles under his eyes, of course.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Scott asked in barely a whisper.

"I didn't know how..."

"Is this how?" Scott held onto him from behind, carefully though, as if Alex was a house of cards. One wrong move and he'd collapse to the ground.

"There's no other way now. It's happened the way it has."

"Do you think it's going to work?" Scott laced his fingers with the other male's trying to stop his hands from shaking.

"I fucking hope so." Alex turned and captured his boyfriend's lips, kissing him like it was the last time. And for once, he realised that he didn't know when the last time would be. Tears started to flow freely down his cheeks and they both pulled back.

Their foreheads rested together and they looked into each other's eyes, both of them sniffling and eventually laughing pathetically. Until Alex stopped suddenly. "I'm going to die."

"No you're not."

"I am. It's going to happen at some point. I'm going to die."

It was merely a statement, but the mere concept had Scott breaking down.

"No. No! You can't do this. You can't leave. You can't!" He was clutching at his shirt and burying his face in his neck, anything he could do to get closer to him.

"I'm not dead just yet Scottie. I might be fine, y'know?"


"Might. It's better than might not." He tilted the blonds head toward his own and kissed him firmly, not crying this time but determined as he placed his lips in light places all over the male's face.

"It'll be okay... We'll be okay... I won't leave you... I promise."

Scott tilted his head up and captured his lips again.

"We can get through this..." He said, more to comfort Alex than himself. "And if you start to lose your hair then I'll shave mine too."


Scott pulled the beanie down slightly as the cold winter air nipped at his scalp and the tip of his nose, his fingers wrapped so tightly around the tulips in his frozen fingers that they were starting to bend and give way. His gloves had been abandoned long ago, though he wasn't sure when that was exactly.

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