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A/N: Another reupload!!

Scott bounded down the stairs when he heard the car engine and the keys in the lock, practically tackling his boyfriend. He hadn't planned on being home for his birthday and he was really glad that he was now that he felt Alex's arms around him. Scott kissed him quickly and took his bags, running them up the stairs and into their shared bedroom before flopping down onto their bed.

Alex joined him soon after and smiled, playing with the blond hair and kissing all over his face.

"Guess what?"

"What?" Scott asked, poking the brunette's chest and looking into his eyes that were wrinkled at the corners from him grinning so much.

"Tomorrow's your birthday and I get you all to myself." He buried his face in Scott's chest, nuzzling his t-shirt and then pulling back to fix his hair, still practically bouncing with excitement.

"Don't forget we have lunch with everyone tomorrow..." Scott kissed all over Alex's face, running his thumbs over his closed eyes and then his cheeks and his jaw.

"Fine. Maybe not ALL to myself then, but mostly." Alex grinned cheekily and Scott nodded, each of them just admiring their boyfriend before Scott jumped up. He looked over his shoulder as he walked to the door and made a beckoning gesture which made Alex jump up and follow him.

They stopped in the kitchen and the blond jumped up to sit on the counter, clenching his fingers in the fabric of Alex's shirt and pulling the him to stand between his legs. He just rested their foreheads together and looked into his eyes, grinning.

"I love you." He whispered and traced a thumb along the standing male's bottom lip.

"I love you too. Now what are we doing here?" He traced his fingers down his sides. Scott wasn't as ticklish as Mitch was but that didn't stop him from squirming away from the intruding fingers.

"I was going to make us some alcoholic beverages and then we were going to watch a movie of your choice." He poked Alex's nose then turned to get mugs out of the cabinet like he and Mitch always did when they had alcohol at home. "Let me handle this actually!" Scott jumped down and slapped Alex's ass which was enclosed in tight jeans. "Go get in sweatpants or something comfy."

Scott watched Alex scurry off before getting chocolate strawberries and filling their mugs with an... interesting but tasty vodka mixture and setting that on the small table in the lounge room. He heard footsteps coming down the stairs and wondered who it was before realising that it was only the two of them. Mitch was out with his new boy toy and the others were out on business trips or vacations.

"Alllieeee! Come snuggle with me! Did you bring blankets?" Scott asked, knowing that the answer was already no. His boyfriend cuddled into him then looked up, pouting his bottom lip out.

"I can go get them..."

"It's alright, you're hot enough already." They both laughed and Scott held Alex in his arms as they flicked through the films that they had downloaded. "Ten Things I Hate About You?" Scott questioned and Alex rolled his eyes.

"Really? Are you fifteen?" He chuckled softly.

"Fine! The notebook it is! Your fault!" Scott huffed and played the romantic movie, holding Alex close to him. Neither of them spoke much as they both watched the movie and exchanged soothing hugs and teary-eyed smiles.

Until it got sad and Scott held Alex to his chest, the slightly smaller boy's body shaking with his sobs. Scott would have laughed at how comical the moment was, but every time his boyfriend cried, his heart broke a little. So he turned the movie off.

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