I Wish You'd Walk in Again...

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A/N: Dedicated to Danni and Meridian. Whoops.

Oh, also this one is a little sad. Just a warning.

Alex sat in his home office, typing frantically as he wrote yet another article for the magazine he'd become the head director for. His fingers faltered on the keyboard of his laptop as the familiar sound of his phone ringing filled the room. He left one hand on the keys and picked it up with the other, pressing the phone between his ear and his shoulder so that the second hand could continue to type, knowing that he was on a roll and couldn't stop or he'd lose his train of thought.

"Hey Annie... Yeah I'm working on the third page of the magazine right no– Yes, of course, the photos should be on their way... I've got the interview set up next week... Oh Tuesday? I'm free then. Yeah, okay, cool, thank you for letting me know. I don't know how to tell you how stressful this is, I know I've been running this company for nearly a year but I just can't keep up... Yeah, I understand..." Alex stopped listening to the voice on the other side of the phone when he heard a knock on the front door. "There's someone at the door, I'll have to call you back later okay?" He heard her mumble something about the knocking but he was already halfway to hanging up and walking through the house to the door.

The brunette opened the door and all of the thoughts in his mind stopped dead, his face going white and his mouth going dry.


"Scott?" He stared for longer than he should've, his mouth simply opening and closing as if he was impersonating a fish.

"Can I come in?" The blond stood there, shifting from one foot to another slowly.

"Always." Alex murmured, still trying to calm down and get his legs to work in order to follow the blond who had followed the opening door and wandered into the house. He moved straight to the couch, sitting down on it as though the last time he had done so was just yesterday.

"How are you?" Scott smiled, tilting his head slightly as he looked at the shaken up male, his eyes big and excited as ever.

"I.. um, I'm good. You're back." He said simply, sitting down beside him but not too close. He wasn't really sure what too close was though, not anymore.

"I missed you." Scott closed the gap, his hand sliding up to rest on Alex's face and his thumb sliding over his cheekbones, his jaw, then delicately over his bottom lip. "You're so beautiful..." He whispered and leaned in, his breath washing over Alex's lips in the all too familiar way.

"Scott stop! Where did you–" Alex stopped talking as Scott sat back and walked to the kitchen, quickly following behind him as he stood and stared at the photos of them on the fridge amongst other photos of people from his work and a young girl with big green eyes and freckled cheeks.

"How much have I missed?" Scott turned to Alex with tear-filled eyes. "Will you fill me in? Please?"

"Of course." Neither man made a move to leave the kitchen, so they just stayed where they were as the brunette turned to the fridge and pointed at the photo which Scott had looked at first. "You left... I guess for a while it was hard for us, but we moved on. Olivia is at elementary school now, it's her second year and she's doing really well. A lot better than when you... I keep mentioning the fact that you left, I'm sorry. But it was really hard for us, she lost her dad." Alex looked up at his husband, tears filling his eyes. "I lost my husband."

"Who's that?" Scott pointed to another photo, seeming to ignore Alex's pain as he kept pointing at pictures and getting all of the information about the male's life. They ended just sitting on the floor of the kitchen, Alex explaining how he was running his own magazine and what he'd been doing with his art.

The brunette rambled for a little while and then stopped, looking up at Scott. "I want to apologise for talking so much but I know you never minded. Do you remember that? I'd get home from a day at work and you'd sit with me on the couch and listen to me just talk, running your fingers through my hair. I tried to do it to myself when you left at first but it just wasn't the same."

"I'm sorry. I really am, I love you so much Lex. And I love Olli too. Can you tell her? Tell her I love her? And that I'm so proud of her?" Scott's hand ghosted over Alex's knee but the other male pulled his leg back.

"Why can't you tell her?" Their small moment of catching up was broken as Alex stood up, his eyes filling with tears.

"You know why I can't." Scott rested his head against his husband's as he stood up, watching the tears that fell from hazel eyes.

"Just... Tell me one thing?" Alex wiped his eyes quickly and then brought them back up to the blue ones watching him.

"Anything." Scott rested his palm against his cheek gently, watching his lips for the words that were struggling to form.

"Are..." He stopped, taking a deep breath and trying again. "Do you think I can manage this? The magazine, Olli's teenage years?"

"I know you can. I'm so proud of everything you've done." Scott pressed a kiss to Alex's forehead that was so gentle the male almost couldn't feel it, but he closed his eyes and let his heart flutter nonetheless.

"Mitch is struggling. Still. He has a husband now, and he's really helping. But he's still struggling." Alex was nearly begging Scott to stay, knowing that he wouldn't but hoping that there was something he could do to convince him.

"Look after him, tell him I'm sorry." Scott turned away, dusting the non-existent dirt from his pants.

"You're not leaving are you?" Alex reached out to grab Scott's wrist and missed, his hand curling into a fist as the blond kept walking away and he broke down, tears flowing freely and every muscle in his body shaking.

"Scott!" Alex screamed, his voice breaking with tears as he threw a plate across the room at the wall where he imagined Scott to be standing.

"Come back! Please please come back! I can't do this without you! I need you!" Alex was throwing anything he could at the empty space now, the objects flying in all different directions around the room as he could hardly see where he was throwing things. "Olli needs you! I can't do this!"

"Alex! Fuck Alex, not again." Jake moved through the open door as he saw his best friend break down in tears, collapsing to the floor in sobs so violent that his whole body shook and he started to cough. "It's alright, you're alright Allie... Annie called me again. I'm here."

"He was here this time, it was really him..." Alex managed to mumble through his tears, though it came out as more of a wail as he tried to get out of his best friend's grip unsuccessfully.

"It always is."

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