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Scott smiled as he shook hands with the radio host, pulling the red headphones off and smoothing his gorgeous blond hair which was pointing in every direction. He'd made a comment earlier about usually wearing hats to radio interviews and I guess this was why. We had to both look nice today though, as this was being filmed and put on YouTube. But to say Scott looked nice was an understatement. He was so.... Alex. Focus.

"Thank you so much for this interview. Your fans are going to love it." Ryan, the host, smiled at Scott, watching his every move as he placed the headphones down onto the table gently. We were out in New York on a promotional tour, going to the breakfast shows and the radio stations to get some interviews and performances put together. That was why I was here, of course. I'm "that guitarist who sits behind Scott and never says anything but has pretty eyes" according to someone on twitter.

"Yeah, I hope so. I've never covered anything by Shawn so I hope this will go well." The blond smiled, using the voice that his friends and family knew was reserved for interviews and scheduled meetings. Both Ryan and Scott were starting to stand up now, and I was grateful for it. I knew that if Scott didn't pretend to be busy that we'd be stuck here all day. Not that there was any issue with spending more time with Scott, I'd just rather not have to do it in a room with a man way too old to be using the slang that he does.

"You sounded great, there's nothing to worry about." Ryan assured Scott, his eyes flittering over to me for a second before nodding again and walking to the door. "Just finish packing up and come out through this door. Katie can escort the two of you, she's just waiting with your manager."

"Okay, thank you!" Scott turned to me and I quickly put my head down, starting to pack my acoustic guitar away. I felt his eyes on me and it made my hands shake ever so slightly, not used to being under his gaze for any long period of time. "You played really well today."

"Uh, um... Thanks." I stuttered, cursing myself for the fact that I couldn't just come out with one simple word.

"No problem..." I watched him out of my peripheral vision as he sat on the table, letting his legs swing back and forth slowly.

"Was it true what you said in the interview?" I was feeling brave now and I looked up at him once I'd finished packing away. He tilted his head in confusion before I realised I should clarify. "That you almost joined an a cappella band?"

"Oh, yeah back in college I almost joined this band with two of my friends but we could never find a bass or beat-boxer so we had to pull the plug on that dream..." He ran his hands through his hair, biceps flexing under the sleeves of the shirt. "Did you have any other plans before you landed with this job?"

"I mean, I kind of still do? I'm a painter, I do it in my free time. It's a bit of fun on the side." I smiled and shrugged, my hands struggling slightly to close the clasps on the guitar case as my fingers wouldn't stop shaking. "Uhhh... Let's go?" I watched as he nodded in agreement and walked out in front of me.

We walked in the usual way, silence, until we got to Esther and she and Scott started a quiet conversation, usually her talking about his personal details and his schedule. I walked behind them, always there just to watch and enjoy the spotlight. I wouldn't complain, it was amazing. Also the fact that I got to be around Scott Hoying was probably a bonus. I guess I just wish I could get into his head a little more.

I took my own uber back to the hotel, Esther giving me the key card and telling me that she'd already signed the three of us into our rooms. We were all on the same floor, which was cute but completely unnecessary since we didn't talk unless we had to. I mean, Scott and Esther talked all the time but I was a fly on the wall.

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