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I fixed my hair as I walked out of the gym, my muscles screaming from the torture I've been putting them through. Pretty hurts, right?

My feet walked their usual path once I was finished, past the department store to 'test' some of the most expensive perfume they had and then straight to get myself a juice to celebrate.

"Hey! The usual?" The boy behind the counter smiled and as always I forgot how to reply, simply nodding as my stomach turned to jelly.

"Uh, yeah. Thanks." I blushed slightly, fumbling with the money as I handed it over. I'd never know why I was expected to pay six dollars for a bunch of fruit that had been squished, but I did it every day.

"How've you been? Enjoy the gym?" The brunette boy behind the blender asked as he made my drink, his hips moving slightly in time to the music.

"Yeah, I did– I mean I'm good. And I enjoyed the gym." I laughed awkwardly. "Gotta keep fit somehow, you'd know that!" I stopped talking as he looked up at me, tilting his head in confusion like a puppy. No Scott, don't compare the cute boy to a puppy. "I mean, because you clearly work out. Ooft." He looked down again and I knew that there was no use trying to correct myself again.

"Here's your drink." He grinned and winked at me, blowing me a kiss in the cheesiest way possible before I walked away with cheeks burning pink, getting hotter by the minute.

The minute I was out of the boy's sight I dropped the drink into the trash. It was horrible, honestly. There was banana and passionfruit and orange mixed amongst a variety of other flavours, but they were the ones that stood out. The three fruits I despised, my worst enemies. The kiss he blew at me probably meant nothing, he probably did it to every single person who ordered the juice I had, the fruit kiss. Not that I'd seen anyone else order it. I honestly don't know why I spend so much money asking for it all the time without having any. Oh wait, I do.


"Next order?" I looked up as I heard the male's voice, warm and kind yet slightly rough voice, almost dropping my phone when I saw the gorgeous smile that accompanied his strong jawline and sparkling hazel eyes.

"Uh, um – I guess that's me?"  I let out a faint chuckle and tried to read the order boards before I gave up and smiled at him. "What would you recommend?" I asked, apparently finding a small boost of confidence as I leaned on the counter separating us.

"I don't know about what you like, but I really recommend the fruit kiss. It's sweet and the colours are really gorgeous..." I wasn't sure what else he'd said because after I heard the word kiss I couldn't stop staring at his lips. Ok I definitely want that.

"– Okay sure thing, what size do you want it in?" Apparently I'd said that last part out loud. Could I get any more cliche?

"The largest size possible, I drink a lot after working out."

"Oh, you work out? At the gym just down from here?" He watched me, his hands moving around him like he'd made the exact drink a hundred times before.

"Yeah, I've been going down there for a few weeks now but I haven't thought to come down to this little place before, I'm glad that I've finally given it a chance." I smiled as he grabbed the lid for my drink and I noticed his bicep flex slightly, making me blush a little as I stared at his gorgeous arms. Was there anything about this boy that didn't make him look like he was sculpted by the gods?

"I'm glad that you have too. Hopefully I'll see you again." He passed the drink to me and I was just grabbing a straw when he blew me the kiss, catching me off guard as I tipped the straws all over the ground and they fell with a loud crash. Four or five people around me stopped to glance across and roll their eyes at me as I scrambled to save as many as I could from falling onto the floor. "Hey, it's okay I'll clear them up. Sorry." He smiled sheepishly as I just put the cup and the few that I'd caught back onto the counter. taking the others in one hand.

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