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The third and final reuploaded oneshot... After this is when the new stuff starts....

"I think I'm going to call her... Bertha." Scott nodded as he held up the small pumpkin, smiling proudly at me. The two of us and Mitch had gone to the pumpkin patch just the day before to buy enough of the festive fruit. While Scott and I were out that morning, Mitch had taken it upon himself to decorate the house with as many orange and black streamers as humanly possible. He also took all of the tiny pumpkins they got and scattered them around the house, though he wasn't able to save one of them.

Scott was currently holding the only one left in his arms as if it was his baby.

Honestly, I had no idea what was going on.

"Scott...." I whined, trying to get my boyfriend's attention as I went to get all of the tools out of the box from last year. I only managed to find the few that there were, so I started wrestling with the new kits to get them out of the plastic.

"Yes?" Scott had wrapped the tiny pumpkin in a blanket while I wasn't paying attention and he was still cradling it. I rolled my eyes at his antics, though of course on the inside I thought it was the cutest and most dorky thing ever.

"I didn't realise we had a child. Put her down and come help me get our tools set up to carve..." I was now sitting cross-legged on the floor, looking up at the blond and pouting out my bottom lip. "Please?"

Scott put down the pumpkin and got two of the larger ones, placing each of them onto the plastic sheet that we had set out. Once he was sitting down, he just put all of the tools into the middle. "We can just share them as we need them. Let's go!" He got a pencil and grinned as he drew the design.

"Let me guess... Beyonce again?" I asked, trying to figure out what he was going to attempt to carve.

Scott shook his head "nope!" He held it up and turned the object to show me a sketch of the Pentatonix album cover.

"Are you sure you can carve that?" I raised one eyebrow and then it was Scott's turn to roll his eyes.

"Calm down, mr artist. Just because I'm not as perfectly amazing as you..." The blue eyed man leaned over to kiss my nose before he started carving into the top of the pumpkin so he could take out the guts.

"Whatever, we'll see what happens." I poked my tongue out before starting to do the same, leaving all of the pumpkin guts in a bowl between us.


"Shit!" Scott pouted as he stuck his thumb in his mouth to try and stop the bleeding, turning his nose up at the taste of the pumpkin but not removing the finger.

"What's up babe?" I heard him and immediately looked up from where I was carving my pumpkin, frowning slightly in concern as I watched him.

I, being the artist I am, had just started to carve my second pumpkin. Of course Scott was still on his first, unable to carve as well as he said he could. He held out the injured finger toward me, allowing me to see the small amount of blood that was dripping from his knife wound.

"Ouch, poor baby." I kissed his thumb carefully to avoid the blood before standing up. "Come with me, lets get that cleaned up."

Scott followed silently and I grabbed the first aid kit, putting a small amount of antiseptic on it before covering the cut with a plaster.

"Owww that stings..." Scott whined and held the hand to his chest, shaking his head and frowning like a small child.

"Well, now it can get better." I kissed his forehead and led him back out to where our pumpkins sat so we could both continue carving. "Thank you for all of my birthday presents yesterday, as well." I said softly as I remembered all of the expensive and amazing gifts that I'd been given as well as the song that Scott had written especially for me.

Well, the one that wasn't on the album.

I watched my tall blond frown like a small child for at least ten minutes as he attempted to keep carving before I moved so I was kneeling behind him. I slid my hands from his shoulders down to rest over his own hands so I could guide him. I just enjoyed the feel of his back against my chest as we moved in sync, helping him to slice through the orange canvas and create what I had to  admit was a very cute version of the album.

"If you need a reference picture, I have about six hundred copies of the album under my side of our bed..." I said softly and laughed, though there wasn't really any joke in the statement I was making. We continued to carve like this until Scott's pumpkin was finished and I smiled at my boyfriend before quickly finishing my other pumpkin and trying to stop him from seeing what I'd carved. "All done! Lets put some candles in here?" I tilted my head slightly and smiled at him as he jumped up and ran around the house while searching for tea light candles and matches.

He walked into another room and I grinned, quickly lighting the three candles and putting them into the pumpkins. I ran to turn the lights off and waited for him to come back.

"Alex I couldn't find the..." Scott trailed off as he walked past the doorway and grinned at me. I was holding a pumpkin that I'd carved with the stereotypical heart that had "sh + ak". I turned the pumpkin around to show where I'd finished the carving and it said "I love you."

I took his distraction as my chance to attack and put the pumpkin down, standing up and throwing the pumpkin guts at Scott. "Constant vigilance!"

Soon we were throwing seeds and guts at each other, neither of us using furniture as obstacles because we didn't want to have to clean it up. We ended up chest to chest somehow, my hands running pumpkin along Scott's cheekbone and his hands putting it up the back of my shirt.

"Happy halloween Scott." I grinned and kissed him gently, pulling back quickly. "Nope nope nope. We need to wash off. I do not do pumpkin lips."

Of course Scott just kept kissing me with his beautiful and disgusting mouth.

I didn't mind it too much after a while.  I simply closed my eyes and just focused on what Scott's lips felt against my own.

I was definitely looking forward to showing Scott the matching outfits I bought for us.

Twitter: pentaesthetic
Tumblr: superfruitfttronnor

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