hunting is like shopping but more funjyt

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second chapter im excited lml i sound stupid hope u enjoy!

allisons pov

"tyler you take the south side of town and ill take up town and the north side"i say while running along side him you know the best thing about being a vampire is that you dont have to take breaths i mean we do it any way but me being part human i still need to but you know i got get tired like tyler would so i have him slow down to save energy.

"but you always get uptown and the north side what if i want those two today?"he said in a mocking tone,i simply rolled my eyes,"fine do you want uptown and the north side today?"i ask trying to please him while trying my best not to laugh my arse off.

"no i was just trying to make a point"tyler replied while chuckling.

"oh wow so now you waisting out time with you joke donut!"i say to him while giving him a quick nod and racing towards uptown first since the vampires tend to wait for people leaving work and clubs there,and to my luck i spot a vampire taking a girl down an ally,i quckly leap into action by drawing an arrow and striking the vampire right through its cold unbeating heart,and i know what you must be thinking what if he wasnt a vampire i can sence them,i could be in my room and my parts could be blocks away and i can still sence them my mom said its a gift,un like some vampires that may have one gift i have four which we can talk about later.(GIF ON THE SIDE IF YOU WANNA CHECK IT OUT ).

"hey you blood sucker yeah guess what!its time to go to sleep"i yell while flipping over some moving cars and shooting arrows at the vampire not trying to kill it but paralizie her as a warning since she wasnt doing anything wrong,and by paralizing her she with be immoble for about 2 to 3 days.

"if i were you i would hope i dont catch you trying to feed on humans"i whisper into her ear while quiclky heading to were me and tyler always meet up,there was alot less vampires today i only cuaght about three compared to the normal 10 to 15 vampires that i typically take down who knows maybe tyler did better!

after 5 minutes~~~~~~~~~

"hey alli sorry that im late caught another vampire on my way he tried to attack me no big deal,so umm you wann go get something to eat?"tyler askes me while walking towards me.

"erm sure why not what you up for?"

"i could go for some stake!!"

"umm sure since were done hunting,hey how many did you catch today?"

"erm about 7 or 8 my normal amount why?how many did you catch"

"erm 2 or three which is pretty weird for uptown and the north side i normally catch 10 to 15,this is gonna sound all movie and cleche like but i think something is up"i say while putting my bow over my shoulder and walking to the nearest stake place,for london we sure have alot of meat places not saying that we shouldnt but in this area we have like 8 right next to each other.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~at england loves meat

"ill have a steak with french fries,and make that stake pink but not to much blood please it makes me sick sometimes"i say while handing the waiter my menu and i know what you must be thinking gross who want a pretty much uncooked steak and for crying out loud and am still part vamprie i dont mind a little blood here and there,and any way i worked hard today with the hunting and all.

"umm ill have a steak medium well no blood with a stuffed potato please"tyler said while handing the woman his menu als, once our food came we ate quickly but just as we were about to leave he walked in,this is gonns be great because he came with friends.*note scarcasim*

"tyler you sence them also right?"i ask while stairing at tyler trying my best not to get up and use my bow and arrow on the clan of blood suckers.

"yeah i do but alli try to hold back ok!were done hunting for the night we can get them next time if they are a threat ok just be calm"tyler says trying to relax me but at the point im just shutting out everything he has to say and before i know it im paying for the bill and running out before i exploded.

"hey love you ok?"an unfamilar voice askes from behind,but however the sent isnt unfamiliar,its the clans leader,oh man im  in for some real shit tonight arent i?

authors note:

chapter two what did you think plz follow me and tell your friends if you like it!!




instagram:@angelqiue austin

ask me questions and ill answer them,and stuff

love you guys

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