It was our last day at the hotel. Mom was downstairs in the casino probably spending all her money. I went into the bathroom and brushed my dark brown hair. I pulled my long hair aside my face to reveal my ocean blue eyes. I smiled into the mirror and walked out of the bathroom. Our room had a balcony and a great view of the ocean. We were on vacation in California and we're heading back to Washington today. I checked on YouTube to see how many subscribers I had. I looked at the number, rubbed my eyes, and looked at it again. I had 999,958. I am so happy. I decided to do a v-log on thanking everyone so much. I turned on the camera, doing my intro "Hey all you kawaii people, KawaiiGirl_Forlife here just making a little v-log. Just here saying THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!! I have almost 1 million subscribers!! I'm thanking everyone out there who subscribed and if you didn't be sure to and help me reach my goal!" After the recording, my mom came in, and we got ready to leave. I had on my fav YouTuber shirt, skydoesminecraft's butter shirt, and we went downstairs to leave. As my mom looked at my shirt in the lobby she snapped "Why do you have to wear that ridiculous thing of a shirt?" "Cause I like it mom" I snapped back. She stopped and turned to me. The lobby was mostly bare, cause everyone was at the casino. "Take it off now!" "No mom, why do you have to control my life?" "Because I am your mother, now take it off!" She was practically yelling. "No!" I yelled at her. That got her really mad. She slapped me across the face, sending me to the floor. "Why do you have to be so unique?" That hit me hard. I saw five men starring at us. Two had red hair, the others had brown. My mom snapped me back to reality, slapping me in the face again. This time blood came running down my nose. That got one of the red head's attention. He came storming over, a mad expression washed over his face. "What the fuck woman??" She turned her attention to the man. "What the hell do you want?" She asked him and before we both knew it he punched her in the face, knocking her to the ground. I sat there, scared of what would happen next. The man held out his hand. I slowly took it, my hand shaking. He pulled me up and embraced me in a hug. I took it slowly and felt really safe around him. He pulled back and took me to his friends. "I'm Max and these are my friends Ross, Barney, Red, and Adam." "Hi everyone, I'm Rebbeca!" "So what was that?" Adam said. "Oh umm I don't know, my mom never acts like that unless...." I paused. "Unless whats?" Barney said. "Unless she's drunk." I sniffed. My mom stirred and I ran, along with the rest of the boys. "Hey do you want to stay with us?" Max asked as we were in the car."Umm sure since I don't have anywhere else to go." We smiled. Ross was unusually quiet but that didn't mind me one bit. "Do you live around here?" Ross finally broke the silence. "Umm no" I whispered. I don't feel comfortable around new people. "Then where are you from?" They all asked. "Washington." I whispered again. "Hey we'res from theres toos!" Barney cheered. I smiled. Soon my eyelids were getting very heavy. I leaned onto Max's shoulder before darkness sweeping over me.
~Max~(short POV)
I look next to me to see Rebbeca leaning up against my shoulder. She's so cute when she's sleeping. Wait stop thinking that Max, you just met her.
I woke to see Max carrying me to a room. I was half awake so I only heard or sometimes saw something. I shifted a bit and he looked down to me. Our eyes locked as he kept walking. I couldn't break away our gaze. He gently put me on a bed and sat next to me. The last thing I heard before falling asleep was Max saying "Goodnight Rebbeca."Hey guy and gal kittens!!! Hope you liked this first chapter of a Mithzan/Max x reader! There were many other fanfic a that got me interested so as always show some support or feedback and I will ttyl my kittens! BYE!!!!!
-Kittykat <3 <3

Something lost, something found Mithzan/Max ff
FanfictionShe thought she'd lost it all, but something happens that turns her world upside down. Just to let you know there will be a lot of cussing, and or other! Hope you enjoy!!!!!!!