"Woohoo!" I screamed as I jumped on the couch. "Wow, you're pumped for 4 o'clock in the morning." Max yawned, rubbing his eyes. "Well when I was younger I used to wake up at 4, play on my phone till 5:45, then get ready for school. So I guess I'm still used to it." I said, jumping off the couch onto the floor. I landed on my feet with a thud, then a knock was heard at the door. I opened it to see Adam, Alesa, Ross, Barney, Red, and Jess. "Hey guys! And gal!" I exclaimed. They all grumbled a hello before almost collapsing on the ground. I rolled my eyes playfully and we headed out to the car. Max fell into the passengers seat and I hopped into the driver seat. We soon headed off to the airport. Jerome and the others left a few days ago to get a head start, and are going to meet us at our hotel. I took out my phone and recorded us in the car, then us heading onto plane. Max fell asleep instantly as we sat down and were into the air. Adam was finally awake at 5, everyone else besides us were asleep. Adam and I kept passing notes to each other, since I sat behind him, like we were little kids all over again. I wrote "what's up buttercup?" On the paper and passed it to him. He passed another slip of paper back. It wrote "Nothing much, cookie crunch." We did for about an hour before settling down in our seats. Soon the engine of the plane rocked me to sleep, Max's snores only thing I heard.
Plane ride
I woke to a camera in my face. Max giggled wildly and I soon figured out. "Ha Rebbeca was drooling!" Adam giggled out. I looked directly at him. I whispered "Adam I have a knife and I'm not afraid to use it just like I did to Ross." The threaten set Adam to look straight forward. "Wait, did you say Adam, as in Adam Dahlberg?" A boy asked, peeking into our seats. "OMG and Rebbeca!!" A girl squealed. "Yep, what's it to ya?" I asked. They held hands, jumping in their seats. "Calm down love birds." I said, giving them a smile. They each looked at each other, then looked the other way, letting go of their hands. "Eww that's gross, we're just friends." The girl said, rubbing off any "germs" he had. They both looked about the same age I was. The girl had jet black hair, cute freckles, and a tom boy look. The boy had light brown hair and a gap in between his teeth. He had a Miami Heat jersey on so I'm guessing he likes basketball. "Oh my god, sorry I'm James, and this is Charlotte." James said. "I would say our names, but I'm guessing you already know us." Adam said, sticking out his hand. James took it and I held a hand out to Charlotte. Her grip was firm and strong. After she let go, we rambled on about each other until Max pointed the camera back at us. I made a silly face into the camera and Charlotte wildly giggled. Soon I got really sleepy again for some reason. I rested my head against Max's shoulder and once again fell asleep to the sound of quiet chatter and the plane roaring through the sky.
Hey all you guy and gal kittens!! Hope you liked this chapter and if you did show some support of feedback and I will ttyl!!! BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Something lost, something found Mithzan/Max ff
FanfictionShe thought she'd lost it all, but something happens that turns her world upside down. Just to let you know there will be a lot of cussing, and or other! Hope you enjoy!!!!!!!