Hangovers or Hang-ups?

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I woke with a splitting headache. I had bit and pieces from last night, but I didn't know where I was. I reached for my phone, which had 26 calls, all from Max. I groggily sat up, taking a long look at my surroundings. It was a small apartment, unusually neat. Only one person is a neat freak that I know, and it's Hunter. "Oh you're up, good." A voice exclaimed. I turned to see Hunter next to the stove, cooking eggs and bacon. "Ugh my head." I groaned. "I would think so, you had so many empty cups next to you last night." I bit my lip. "Did I do anything stupid?" Awaiting an answer, I got two plates and cups. "If playing on a swing set drunk counts, then no, well you did have a big make-out session with Max, but otherwise you were fine." I gave out a sigh of relief. I wasn't usually the one to drink, but it was a special occasion. I collected the little items I had and after eating, we headed out to Hunter's truck. Like his house, the truck was abnormally neat. Soon we came up to the swing set I vaguely remember from last night. After about 10 more minutes of driving we finally got to Max and Ross's house/apartment. I thanked Hunter then walked in, finding a passed out Max on the couch. I rolled my eyes and went upstairs to take a shower.

-Two hours later-

We were at work, I was editing a video I had recently finished when my phone buzzed. I looked at the ID, it was Max. I picked it up immediately. "Hey Max! What's up?" A sigh was heard on the other end of the phone. "Rebbeca, listen, I have something to tell you." I gulped, awaiting the fate that brought to me. "Y-yea? Is something wrong?" Panic washed over me quickly. "I don't think this is going to work out." "W-wait, are you s-saying-" "Yes, we're breaking up, I'm sorry but it's not going to work out." I dropped the phone before I heard anything else. I, for some reason, went to the last place I wanted to to talk to someone, Ross. I rushed into Ross's office and cried into his arms. He rubbed my back and whispered words into my ear, trying to calm me down. I asked him to close the door and pull down the curtains on his window. He nervously did it and I sat on the floor, Ross next to me. I cried into him, pouring all my emotions into words. We rocked back and forth, just wasting time. It has been an hour since Max and I finally had the guts to get up. I thanked Ross and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. I hauled all my stuff out to my car and got it, hearing the engine purr to life. As I was about to back out Max stood at the doorway, watching me with cautious eyes. I took one glance at him, then did the only thing I could, I put my hand up, subtracting all my fingers except the middle one. I let that sink into Max for a little bit before driving off, satisfaction rested on my shoulders.


Adam wanted Red and I to record a prank call video, and I had to prank call Rebbeca and tell her we had to break up. As much as I didn't want to, I did. As the call went on, I could hear Rebbeca start to choke up. As soon as the prank part was over, Adam started hysterically laughing. She really believed it. Red soon went "ITS JUST A PRANK BRO!" But nothing was heard on the other end. "Rebbeca, hello?" I nervously said. "Oh shit guys, she actually believed it." Adam said, worry on his face. For about an hour we were looking for her, checking her office, the break room, everywhere. I went to look outside when I heard an engine start. As I peeked out there Rebbeca was, in the car. As I was about to approach her, she randomly flipped me off. I stood there in disbelief, she actually believed it. This day was going downhill fast. "Ross!" I yelled at him. "Rebbeca took your car!" Ross's head jerked up so quickly I think it could've snapped. "What!?" "Yay and she's gone, I'm really worried." He glared at me. "Well maybe if you didn't break up with her." My eyes widened, she was with him. "It was just a prank, I didn't want to do it just as much." Anger boiled through me, ready to explode. "Well clearly she didn't know about it!" Ross stood as tall as me now, but he was only on his tip-toes. Adam soon barged in. "Guys, where's Rebbeca?!" His voice full of fear. I glared at him, snapping in a response. "Well she left because of that stupid fucking prank!" I grabbed my coat and started to head out the door. "I'm out, see ya later fuckers." Was all I said.

Hey all you guy and gal kittens!! Hope you liked this chapter, sorry for not updating for a couple of days, school and shiz like that so yay. If you liked this chapter show some support or feedback and I will ttyl!! BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Something lost, something found Mithzan/Max ffTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang