They crowd us

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Shit, this girl can talk. I listened to Charlotte ramble on for about an hour now. Soon the light for "buckle your seatbelts" flashed, signaling for us to sit back in our seats. The plane landed smoothly onto the ground.

Off the plane

I finally found my luggage, Max helped me pull it off the rack. "Thanks babe." I said, kissing his cheek. "OH MY GAWD ITS MITHZAN AND KAWAII GIRL FOR LIFE!!! EEEEE!!!" A pack of fangirls screamed. Max and I shared a glance, then ran. "BOOK IT!!" I yelled as I ran past Ross. "Hey, that's my thing." He said, running with me. I stuck my tongue out at him and hopped into the car, Adam in the drivers seat. "Step on it Adam!" I yelled as Ross and Max made it into the car. He sped out of the airport and we were soon cruising on a highway to our hotel.

We soon arrived at the hotel, right across from where Minecon was being held this year. Two people shared a room, and we had 4 rooms. Jess and I shared a room, Barney, and Red shared another, Max and Ross were roommates, and Alesa and Adam were too. I placed my bag next to my twin bed and flopped down, landing wig a big "thud". "Be quiet, some people are trying to sleep." A voice said on the other side of the wall. Most likely Adam. I hopped into my nightgown and snuggled into bed, sending Max a goodnight text.

I woke to Jess throwing a pillow at my head. "Wake up, it's time to go soon." She said, pressing her shirt down. "Shit!" I whispered and dove into my suitcase, pulling out a "Messy hair don't care" shirt and some jean shorts. I rushed into the bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth, putting my hair into a high ponytail. "Ready?" She asked as I got my shoes on. "Yep!" I said and opened the door, checking the time on my phone. 9:15, nice. I knocked on the other's doors and we were off to IHOP.

We finally made it to Minecon, traveling to out booths. I was across from Skymedia and Jess was next to me. Soon the swarm of people waved in, jumbling around like a swarm of bees. Then the fangirls came. I saw the same pack of fangirls from earlier running over to Adam's booth. I giggled as they got mauled by the girls with pictures and wanting to sign their books. I looked across the way to see BB waving to me, along with the rest of the pack. I waved back, blowing them a kiss. Mitch "grabbed" the kiss and pulled it to his heart. I giggled wildly until the fangirls got to me.

As the crowd finally got thinner, I spotted Charlotte and Jack walking about. "Charlotte! Jack! Over here!" I waved then over. "Hey Rebbeca!" They said in unison. "Do you know where the pack is? I really want their autographs." Jack asked, and Charlotte nodded. "Oh, my brother is over there, next to the Skymedia booth." I pointed to where BB was standing. They looked at me in awe. "You're brother is JeromeASF?!" Charlotte asked, fangirling. "Yep! Go say that BB said hi ok?" I asked. They both nodded and ran over to my big bro. Man, it feels good to have a big brother like him.

As I opened the door to our room, my hand cramped from writing too much. "Owww." I whined. "Same." Jess agreed. We both fell down on our beds and gave a big sigh. "Ladies, you in there?" A voice asked from the other side of the door. "Nope, just the ghost of two awesome girls in here." I joked. I heard a chuckle come from the person. "Well I wouldn't want my girlfriend dead, would I?" Max asked, opening the door and poking his head in. "Nope!" I said and threw a pillow at him. It hit him square in the face. He had that Mad Max face on again. "Uh oh." I gulped and he ran at me, hands out to grab me. He tackled me on the bed and started to tickle me. "St-stop Max I-I give, p-please." I pleaded. He leaned down and kissed my cheek before agreeing and hopping off the bed, pulling me up. Man, I have the best boyfriend ever.

Hey all you guy and gal kittens! I'm not dead! That's good, and here's another chapter. YAY! Well hope you liked it and if you did show some support or feedback and I will ttyl!! BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Kittykat <3

Something lost, something found Mithzan/Max ffWhere stories live. Discover now