So lets talk, and sleep

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-Rebecca's POV-

I talked with Jerome's friends for a while. They were pretty cool.

"So, favorite color?" They asked.


"Favorite book?"

"Harry potter series."


"Video games. Sports. Reading. Listening to music. Hanging out with my friends." They all dramatically nodded. "Anything else?" I asked. Mitch nodded.

"Crush/Boyfriend?" I blushed. Jerome's face got a little red, but then he remembered who it was. I pointed to the ginger at his stand.

"Max. He's my boyfriend." They all howled with kissy noises, even Jerome. I blew a raspberry, walking over to him and planting a kiss on his cheek, then walked back over to the others. "How's that for kissy noises?" They all sat in silence.

"And here I thought she was single." I heard Mitch whisper. We all erupted into laughter. I looked at the time on my phone.

"Welp, time to get back to signing things and taking pics! Bye guys, bye BB!" I waved them bye, walking back to my booth. It was mostly quiet the whole day.


I bursted through the door to my hotel, jumping straight to the bed.

"Sweet relief!" I snuggled deeper into the pillow I was cuddling.

"You gonna keep cuddling the pillow or help out?" Max called. I groaned.

"Fine." I slumped off the bed, walking over to the door, propping it open before going back over to the king sized bed.

"Thanks." He said with a sarcastic tone.

"No problem." I told him back. He threw a bag on me, chuckling. I pushed it off, walking over to the little balcony that we had. I could tell it was Max's bag, so I opened the slide door and held the bag over the edge. We weren't that far from the ground, but a good amount to throw something off. He saw what I was doing, immediately running over to stop me. "Say sorry then." I told him. He crossed his arms.

"No." He whined.

"Then I'll throw it right into the pool." He looked over.

"You wouldn't."

"Oh yes I would." I slipped the strap around my fingers a little, showing I mean business. He gave out a little whine.

"Fine. I'm sorry." He whispered.

"What was that?" I held my hand to my ear, teasing him.

"I'm damn sorry." I handed him back his bag.

"Aww is someone a little-." He looked at me evilly. "-Mad?" At that point I was screwed. He tackled me, throwing me onto the bed. I squirmed to get away, but he caught me in an attack of tickles. I laughed so hard my stomach was hurting. I finally kicked him off, spreading out my arms and legs so I took up the whole bed. "You may not lie on thy bed." I told him.

"Can I come in if I took off my shirt." I could feel myself furiously blush as he said that. I shook my head.

"A snuggle would do the trick." I wriggled under the overs, feeling him snuggle next to me. When I looked at him, my face lit up again. He was shirtless. I rolled the other way, so he was facing my back. He wrapped a bare arm around my waist, pulling me closer. His hot breath was blowing against the back of my neck. It sent goosebumps everywhere.

"Night Maxy." I told him. He went stiff for a second, then replied back.

"Night babe. Love you." I smiled.

"Love you too."

-Max's POV-

SHIT! I have to put her in the past. Jessica is gone now, and will never come back. I love Rebecca, not Jessica. Jessica was snobby, rude, and an uptight bitch. I don't know how I ever fell in love with her. Oh yea; her body. That's why. Whatever, Rebecca is way better. She actually likes the things I do and she's a youtuber as well. Let's hope things don't go badly like they did with Jessica. Damnit, just stop thinking about her and go to bed. With your awesome, amazing, stunning, beautiful, girlfriend.

I kissed the back of the now sleeping Rebecca's neck. She shivered, turning into me. She wrapped an arm around me, face in the crook of my neck. I kissed her forehead this time. I whispered something before drifting off as well.

"I will always love you."

Hey my kittens! I know I know, "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?" It's just school has caught up to me and I had a lot of things to do. But do not fear, I will try and update more. But until then if you liked this chapter then show some support or feedback and I will ttyl! BBBBYYYYYYEEEEE!!!
-Kittykat <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2017 ⏰

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