He"ll come around

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As I arrived at the office, I was met with Ross lying on the ground. "What happened?" I asked. All he did was point to an office. I quietly snuck to the window of the empty office. "Face the fucking facts Adam, she's never coming back all because of me and that shitty prank!" "Max, don't say that, she'll show up, I know it." I quietly giggled. "Mad Max." I whispered. "Alright who the fuck said that?!" His voice roared. I opened the door quietly, getting everyone but Max's attention. I put a finger over my lips and they put their attention back at Max. "This bitch here said that." I pointed to myself. Max swiveled around, tears stung his eyes. I put my hands on my hips, giving him a mad but sexy look. He sniffed before cautiously walking over to me, looking as awful as ever. "Now this bitch needs a hug from one sad Max." Adam chuckled at the remark, but Max ran into me, giving me the biggest hug ever. I hushed him like he was my child as he cried into my shoulder. I pulled his head so he was looking into my eyes and I was looking into his. "Max, I-i-i-......" I stuttered to find the right words. Before I could continue, I was met by his lips softly meeting mine. Tears spilled down my cheek as he wiped them away. I wrapped my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. We soon parted to find ourselves all alone, the office bare. We sat against the wall on the floor, forgiving everything we did. I did say I wasn't going to apologize, but I couldn't help myself, part of it was my fault too. "Max, my brother is coming up for a couple of days, and I was wondering if you would wanted to meet him?" He nodded his head, smiling bright. "What's his name?" He asked. "It's Jerome, or known to me as BB." His brows dug inwards. "Oh it means Big bacca or big brother! He'd always loved it when I called him that." "FLUFFY?" Adam soon ran in, excited. "Ummm, yay why?" "FLUFFY IS YOUR BROTHER!! FLUFFY!!!!!!" He flailed his arms around like a crazy 6 year old on a sugar rush. I giggled at the remark. "Buzz, buzz" my phone soon went off. I picked it up, putting it on speaker. "HI BB!" I screamed. "Owww dood my ears!" Jerome whined. "RIPM!" Was heard in the background. "Oi is that a little Benja in the background?" I imitated Lachlan's accent. Adam snickered and held him mouth from laughing too hard. He couldn't contain himself anymore. "FLUFFY IS THAT YOU!?" He practically screamed his lungs out. "Adam?! What you doing with my little sister? Please tell me you aren't dating her!" "Jerome, I'm married, remember?" I playfully rolled my eyes as they had a huge random conversation. He soon spoke to us again. "Well I got to go, me and the pack are on the way to our flight now!" "Bye BB, safe travels!" Adam and I said in unison. Except he said Fluffy. I hung up and wrapped my arms around Max. He was awfully quiet for himself. I snugged my head on his shoulder and left little kisses on his collarbone. He leaned his head on mine and we sat there for what seemed like forever.

Hey all you guy and gal kittens!! Hope you liked this chapter and if you did show some support or feedback and I will ttyl!! BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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