CHAPTER 4 part 3

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She broke up with her right before Christmas, but it looked like she stuck around and gave it a try three weeks after we talked.

I didn't told Aki about it, and from the looks of it, neither did Lou. So now that was a secret Lou and I shared. I probably had to write it down at some point.

The news got to me on the last day of school, before the Christmas break. i was looking for Aki in her usual spot, and only saw Jon, her block mate. I didn't know how many of Aki's friends, but the years before, jon was my ballroom dancing partner for PE.

"Did she leave already?" i asked.

"Yeah," he replied. "Went home. Lou finally broke up with her."

"Just now?'

"They were talking by that tree for almost an hour."

I showed up at Aki's house with a half gallon of Double Dutch ice cream. the sight of me and my gift made her laugh. "I'm not a girly girl you know," she said.

"Trust me, this will make you feel better." i smiled widely

I stayed over for dinner,but i wasn't hungry because i already had a few cups of ice cream. 

Aki, at first, didn't want to talk about Lou. I played the supportive friend, and didn't ask, so instead she told me about her economic teacher, the electives she was thinking of taking, and the business idea she wanted to use as her thesis the following year. There was also a movie she wanted to watch that weekend, maybe i wanted to see it with her?

Two hours later... I couldn't wait anymore...

"Aki, about Lou ... "

"I thought you want me to feel better?'

"Talking will help you resolve your issues."

"If you want to help, come with me to this movie. Please! I'll feel better after that, i know it."

"Are you sure your problems weren't caused by our fake relationship?' I asked.

"I'm sure," she said confirmly. (Was she trying to protect me? She knew i'd feel bad if i had a role in their breakup, but she didn't know that Lou had spilled the beans already, and some of those beans had my name on them)

"Well then. i just think that the next time, you shouldn't even bring it up. I think Lou's... impression of you was tainted by a lie. next time, just be yourself." 

Aki exhaled dramatically. "I didn't exactly think that one through, did I?"

"No," i scooped out another cup of ice cream for myself, finally accepting that we both kind of ruined that relationship together. I needed a chocolate.

i reached over and squeezed her hand. "I'm sorry about Lou. You should never again tell anyone i was your girlfriend." ("that how i wished i were" Reign said to herself)

"That's a good idea." she said. ("but i wished you were", Aki whispered to her mind)

And then we bid goodbye to each other. when i was about to go over the door, she hugged me really really tight. and by that hug i knew she was really hurt, so i hugged her back to let her know that i'm just here for her.

(if you were mine, you will never be this hurt, i thought while i'm hugging her)

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