water ride. (idk)

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We got on the slide and buckled up,
The guy put the bars all around us,
I read the sign out loud.

"Warning' keep feet and hands inside, do not get out,. No cameras outside the cart. Please keep your items inside the cart.
This ride involves getting wet and has heights."

''I'm guessing this is rollercoaster like?" Gerard said next to me"

"I think so" I said
The ride started moving and I held onto the bar in front of me
Mikey and Frank were behind us sitting there, while Gerard and I were In the front,
We went up a huge hill like going slow,

"I regret going on" I said as we were on the top and it was a far drop, haha that rhymed in a way,.
The ride moved signaling we were going to die,
I screamed and closed my eyes feeling everything around me spin and move

I opened my eyes when water splashed my face and saw that we splashed into water and went under a waterfall into a tunnel really fast,
I looked back Frank had his arms in the air laughing, Mikey had his eyes closed holding the bar, Gerard was looking at me.
I smiled and he smiled back. I looked in front and seeing the sky, I looked right and realized there was another drop there was a waterfall.. I kept my eyes open and the ride dived down going into water splashing us all,
The ride was over and the Seat things went up, mikey got off and ran to the dumpster barfing,
I got out and fell face planted , frank laughed and Gerard helped his brother.
I got up and looked at the ride, or death trap,.

Never riding that again because 1, it got us wet 2, it was scary in a way, 3 it brings back our food we ate,.
Frank came over after calming down.
He grabbed my hand and we ran out going to chose another ride, Gerard and Mikey came over to us, frank chose Starship well I chose the bumper cars, than Gerard came in saying Horror House.
We all agreed and went in.

The first part wasn't even scary, it was vampires and zombies walking around,
The second part was kinda, people popped out of no where and attacked us with surprises,
Wondering how many heart attacks people got from them. The third part was just empty.
I got scared and hid behind Gerard.

"Are you scared miss Woods" Frank said smirking.

"No im not" I lied.
"Than stand in front of us all" he said.

"Fine" I said leaving Gerards back and walking upfront, and the corner of my eye I saw a Skelton so I alreaduly knew but something grabbed my ankle and I screamed running to Mikey.

Everyone laughed, "shut upp"I said scared than we walked and I saw Jason, Freddy, and leather face, they chased us and I ran out with everyone else,

We all laughed and looked around, it was getting dark.

"What next?" I asked,

"Hmm, food" Gerard yelled. And we went to eat something.

We just got some corn dogs and drinks.

After that I saw cotton candy,
"Want one?" Frank asked.

"Yea" I said.
We walked over there and got a blue fluffy one

I shared with frank and we all got on the ferris wheel.

The bottom looked really far.

Gerard put an arm around me "don't be scared" he said and I smiled.

I saw frank and he looked mad.

I ate my gotten candy giving Gerard some and we eventually got tired and we left and got in the car driving back to the hotel.

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