Hey. hehe! :x

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We got out of the car, and walked to the front,
Their were photo people like paparazzi the saw the guys  And ran to us taking pictures.

"Mr, way, who is this girl?"
" Gerard can you ask us a few questions."
" Who's the girl" "how's the band"
"How's tour" "where did you come from"
"Frank who's the girl" "what's her name"
"Is she your girlfriend" "how old is she"
So many questions were being thrown and their cameras were blinding us with pictures.

I stood there awkwardly.

"This is my friend Jade" said. GERARD.

"How old is she?" The guy said.
Gerard tensed up, than it clicked, he would get hate if they found out I was 19.
"S-shes um sh-shes--- I'm 33my name I'd Jade very nice to meet you"  I stepped up And shook his hand.

"Wow, you look so young, not that your old or anything" he said cheeky.

"Yea haha" I laughed

"How do you look so young?"

"I take good care of myself, you see no makeup and wash my face everyday" I pulled it off.

He nodded. "That's actually true, my wife is 36 and she still looks like a 20 year old" he said chuckling.

I laughed as well

"So why are you here with them?" He asked.

"We just came back from the theme park, " I said smiling.

"That's cool are you guys having a break fem the accident with the stage"

"Yea" the band nodded. Where's Ray?

" So where's ray and Bob?"

"We don't acually know " Frank said.

"Oh alright so how's the band."

"Its good great, we are all loving the fans for supporting us, and tour is great, we are going to Europe in a few days and its going to be awesome" Gerard said.
Europe? I didn't know they were going to Europe, I felt kinda sad, but hey, they are still here with me now, let's make it last, I thought.

"Okay, I guess we will leave you now, have a good evening, night" he said shitting the camera off and everyone left.

"33? " frank laughed.
I smiled. "Yea haha" I laughed

''You didn't half to do that" Gerard said.

"Its okay, I'm fine with it, plus what would they have done if I told them I was 19?" I said.

"Your right,but really thank you Jade" he smiled and got really close to my face.

He leaned in and I leaned in.

Our lips wee about to connect when we heard a 'cough' I stopped and looked and saw Mikey.

"Hey Mikey" I said waving, but blushing.

Gerard opened his eyes and looked at his brother awkwardly.

I laughed and went to Mikey, glancing at a frowned Gerard.

I stopped And ran to Gerard Hugging him.

He put his arms around my back and I pulled away and saw him smile I went to Mikey and the three of us got into the elevator. Besides frank running up the stairs. Does he know were on the 5th floor.

Mikey opened the door for me and I went in first to see a lady in her 40s maybe and a prissy girl wearing makeup, short short shorts and a pink spaghetti tang top.  and a man watching TV.

"Ahhhhhhh" the girl screamed and threw a shoe at Mikey. It hit him in the head and he fell.

"What the hell" the man said and got up.

"Why are you in our room!" I yelled. Bending down to see if Mikey was okay.

Okay maybe I lied it wasn't a shoe, it was  boot, a big heavy boot from which I checked.
Mikey was unconscious.
"Mikey, Mikey, Mikes, Michael!" I yelled.
He layed there.
"You bitch" I yelled at her, I ran at her but the door connected to our room, frank came out saw me and grabbed my waist.

"Who the fuck is that" the man yelled grabbing a bat.
Gerard came "guys, what the fuck, shut the fu---- he saw the situation, "who the hell are you" he said to them. The door opened ray and Bob came talking and laughing until they saw all of us. Gerard SAw Mikey and went to him.
"Hey Buddy, Mikey are you alright" he tried to wake him up."

"Who did this?" He almost yelled

"That bitch" I said pointing.
She stood there smirking, proud bitch, I glared at her.

"What bitch, your just so emo" she said and started to fix her boobs, cause the guys wherein the room, frank looked disgusted.
She looked at me.
"Seriously why are you starring at" i said.

"Something gross and disgusting" she barked.

"I'm not a mirror" i smirked.

"Your such a bitch, you ugly slut, no one will love you or even like you,  your just a piece of --------

You don't even know me?!" I cut her off yelling.

"Dont half to " she said.

"You little-----"Get out of our room" the Lady yelled
"This is me and Mikey room" I yelled.

"No its not, we paid and everything, she said.

"Same with us" I scoffed.


"What the hell we paid for that damn room" ray said.
"I'm sorry sir, but there's been a complication, a mid understanding." he said looking at his computer.

Mikey was with Gerard and Bob in their room.
Bob came back and started yelling,
"I can't believed this, someone took our room" he says, "what?!"ray yells.

Frank was quiet next to me.
I starred at the guys.
Turns out the hotel screwed the rooms up and gave up mikeys, and i's room, and ray and Bob room. They gave the guys their money back, but there was no more rooms, due to 'basketball' trip for a school.

Looks like all 6 of us will share one room. Tonight, for the seat of the week maybe.

Age Is Just A Number (Gerard Way COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now