chapter idk

69 2 0

I stood there shocked at what I saw.
Gerard was with his a girl in bed

And not just any girl.

His ex, his ex wife I'm saying
I blinked, I pinched myself to say its not real.

They were sleeping, bit their shoulders were bare, they were naked.

Mikey stopped and dropped the bag.
Where were the guys.

"Where are the guys?" I whispered.

"I-i-i don't know'' he said and picked up the bags, and grabbed my arm.

We got back on the elevator and I followed Mikey.

I followed him outside and we were walking to the car till, I saw the tour bus.
I nudged Mikey
"Hmmm" he said and I pointed.

We went over to it and opened the door.
, it was open.

We walked in and Mikey put the bags down and walked to the back to see of the guys weds back there.

They were. I got into Mikey bunk while he went to Gerard's.
.the last thing on my mind before I fell asleep was the though of Gerard and lyn-z

A/N I don't have a thing against lyn-z. She is amazing and perfect for Gerard.
Sorry its a short one.
But, I can't think rightish.....

Age Is Just A Number (Gerard Way COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now