Chapter Twenty-Six

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Jayden POV

I walked in locking the door behind me. "Baby Im home" I say loudly so Keenon can hear me. I barely realized that I was hungry asf. I mean I ate earlier but this baby gets hungry quick. I went in the fridge and pulled out some chicken I made the other day and put it in the microwave.

While it was warming up I went in my room to change my clothes. And I barely noticed something. Keenon's shoes and jacket were gone. "Keenon!" I yell but I got no answer. I grabbed my phone and called him no answer. I called again and it went straight to voicemail. Oh so this nigga ignoring my calls?

I decided to leave a voice message. "Oh so just because I went out you wanna be petty and leave and then not even answer my calls? Fuck you nigga!" I was heated as fuck but you know what I ain't even gonna stress over it. It ain't healthy for the baby. I went and got my chicken and sat on the couch flipping through channels trying to find something good to watch. I finally settled on Juice. The whole time I was worried about Keenon it was 2 am and still no call. But maybe im just over reacting he's probably just with the boys.

I pushed the thoughts to the back if my mind watching the rest of the movie.


"Oh shit" I hear followed by a big crash. It was too loud to not wake up. I sit up yawning. I checked my phone. 4am. I stood up and walked to the kitchen to find Keenon trying to pick up the mess from the glass he shattered.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked attitude evident in my voice.

"Aye girl c-chill out" he says sluring. I walked up to him looking him in his face. He's faded off his ass.

"Who were you with?" I ask.

"Ha. Who were you with? Your nigga? Did you have a good time? Cuz I sure did." He says smirking.

"Who were you with Keenon?" I ask loudly

"Girl it ain't even matter to you" he says closing his eyes putting his head back. And I instantly notice something. I grab his face and turn it to the side to get a better look at the marks on the side of his neck.

"Are you fucking serious Keenon?! I leave you alone for a few hours and you go and cheat on me?!" I screamed fighting the burning sensation in the back of my eyeballs.

"Nah cut all that shit out. It ain't even matter you went against my wishes and went with a nigga I don't like. You think im fuckin stupid Jayden? I know that nigga your ex. I can only imagine what ya'll were doin" he says shrugging.

He didn't even get to say another word before my hand collided with the side of his face. "Get Out!" I screamed. He grabbed both my arms and pushed me against the counter.

"Really that how you gonna do me?" He says in my face and I can smell nothing but alcohol I was honestly disgusted.

"You know what you're right I kissed Isaiah now get the fuck out!" I yell pushing him away. I noticed his face harden. I've never seen him so angry before. He tried coming closer to me but I pushed him again. I went to throw his keys at him but I collapsed In pain. I looked at my foot to see a huge shard of glass stuck in my foot and it was bleeding like crazy.

"Ow fuck!" I yell in pain.

"Baby are you okay?" Keenon kneals down in front of me.

"Get the fuck away from me" I say lowly with tears streaming down my face.

"No baby your hurt come on" he says trying to pick me up.

"Get away from me I hate you!" I scream pushing him away. He loses his balance almost falling completley over before trying again and succeeding at picking me up. He takes me to his car and puts me in the passenger seat buckling my seat belt before getting in and pulling off.

My foot was still hurting like a bitch amd I can tell I was losing a lot of blood. I was feeling light headed and my eyesight was blurry.

"Kee- Keenon you shouldn't be driving your drunk" I say as best as I can. "Hold on baby were almost at the hos-" is all I'm able to hear before I see nothing but a unbearably bright light. I can make out the sounds of metal crashing and glass shattering before I'm met with complete darkness.

A/N: Uh oh guys. What do yous think? Let me know. I really need more of ya'll to start commenting. I wanna know what yous are thinking! Vote and comment please I'll update soon.

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