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Another day, another drama. Your eyes were glued to the ceiling as your alarm went off for what it seemed to be the hundredth time now. You hated school. This was your senior year, finally, but it didn't exactly make it easier. And I know everybody hates it, but you honestly did, with everything you had. 

You didn't belong there; a place full of shallow people that only cared what other shallow people thought of them. You never even bothered to make friends, they were complete idiots anyway so, as cliché as it may sound, you were considered the freak. Always seen hanging out under a tree, reading a book with your headphones on, clearly hinting to the rest of the world you didn't want to be bothered.

The often crowded school hallways were empty when you got there because guess who was late again? Your mom was a nurse who was always assigned the night shift, so whenever your day started, hers was ending. I didn't matter if you kicked or screamed, she insisted on driving you to school because if it weren't for that trip, you wouldn't see her at all. So you let her take you, knowing you were always going to be late for class.

You entered the building and just when you were taking the corner that was bringing you to your classroom, you bumped into something you were pretty sure it was a door or a wall, judging by how big and strong it felt the hit. It instantly made you drop all your books to the floor.

It took you a second to realize you hadn't hit a wall, but an actual person. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I thought I was alone and I wasn't looking where I was g..." you explained as you bent down to pick your stuff up.

"Don't worry about it," a boy's voice resonated through the empty walls as he bends over too to help you, "I'm Dean by the way" he met eyes with you and wow. Just freaking wow. A little boy not more than 12 years old cleared his throat as if he were waiting to be introduced. "Oh, and this is my brother Sam."

"Hi" you waved, and you stood there in silence a few seconds until you realized they were waiting for you to introduce yourself. "Oh, I'm (Y/N). Me. That's me". He smiled flawlessly, to the point it made you wonder if it was even possible to be this beautiful.

"Hey, could you tell us where our classes are? We are new around here" he handed you the paper the principal had just given them, and you smiled when you realized he was in your class.

"Yours is down right this hall to the left" you indicated to Sam, and he headed there right away after receiving a small pat on his back from his older brother.

"And yours is here," you signaled the door you were walking towards to, "with me."

"Nice meeting you, classmate."

Your cheeks felt red as both of you entered the classroom together, instantly feeling every set of female eyes on him; and honestly, you couldn't blame them. He was gorgeous. The teacher introduced him to the rest of the class as Dean Winchester, and in that instant, you knew you were doomed.

Days passed, and you talked to Dean now and then, he was too busy hanging out with pretty much every blonde that would cross his path. He was a player, and I guess, that's where his flaws really lied, but then again, you couldn't blame the girls falling for him, he was way too charming to ignore.

The school day ended early due to the teacher being sick, so you decided to walk home instead of taking the usual bus. And it was good thing you did that because the minute you were about to put your headphones on you noticed some bullies beating up Sam and ripping apart his books right on his face.

"Hey hey, what the hell are you doing?" you ran to them, and the boys froze scared, not really expecting you'd come off at them like that. Honestly, you didn't either. "Stay away from him. I better not see you around again, or I swear to God I'll haunt your dreams" you threatened them in a hard-hearted tone, even Sam opened his eyes wide open.

You helped him get up from the floor as the boys left in a heartbeat, and he shook the dust from his clothes. You did your best to gather his books and somehow put them back into one piece, but they were too torn even to call them books anymore.

"Thanks (Y/N), they wouldn't leave me alone" he sighed, looking at the papers on the ground. "My dad's going to be so mad about this."

"Don't worry about it, I have these same books at home, he will never know." He grinned, passing his shirtsleeve through his busted lip and wincing at the pain. Poor kid. "I'm sure your brother will be here soon" you reassured him with a smile as you looked behind you to see if the kids were still near him. "I can wait for him with you if you want."

He nodded, being the new kid was never safe, especially if the school was full of bullies like this one. "I should have told Dean; they were nagging me since day one" he breathed out.

"To your defense, you thought people weren't assholes around here," he chuckled, "that's actually a good thing, no one walks around thinking they are going to get jumped."

Dean was just walking out the building with his arm over some girl when he saw you and Sam talking just a couple of meters away from him. And even from that distance, he could tell his little brother was hurt, and his lip was bleeding. He let go of the blonde right away as if the whole place were on fire and ran towards you in a heartbeat.

"What happened?" he asked angrily as he lowered to meet Sam in the eye, "who did this?".

"Some stupid kids, but it's okay now, (Y/N) scared them away" Sam reassured him.

Dean frowned as if what you just did was the most insane thing on Earth. "You did that?" he questioned, utterly amazed by the fact that you defended his little brother.

"Yeah, it's no big deal," you shook it off, "see you guys tomorrow." You waved the boys goodbye, putting your headphones on and minding your own business. Just when you were about to go around the corner Dean yelled at you, loud enough to startle you. You stopped and waited for him to run towards you.

"Hey, Sammy wants you to have dinner with us" he smiled, and something in his face told you it wasn't really Sam who was inviting you.

"You're kinda busy, don't you think?" you raised a brow, pointing out to the girl waiting for him with her arms crossed, looking so impatient and fed up with him as if he was just playing some ball game or something.

He seemed confused until he turned around to look at the girl, "what? Her? I just met her," he shrugged, "I don't really care." 

You thought about it, the idea seemed tempting, but Dean was dangerous. And no, I'm not talking about he-is-a-thief-and-killer kind of dangerous. I mean he is the type of guy you fall in love with, and then you get your heart broken. The kind of guy that could send you to the clouds with just a kiss, only to hit the cold, hard, ground whenever he leaves. Yeah, being around him was dangerous. Good thing you liked adventures.

"Okay, I could eat, I guess" you played hard to get, instantly making him smirk, "if Sam really wants that, I can't say no to the kid."

"That's my girl" he winked.

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