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Going back to work seemed not only useless but actually scary. Not to mention, all you really wanted to do was tuck yourself into the bed and cry yourself to sleep. Things were so confusing now. You didn't know why but seeing Dean again, having him back into your life and having him treating you like that, it just broke your heart in two. Your mind remembered the many times you played this moment in your head, the moment you two would finally meet later in life, and it sent you to tears how different all those scenes looked from what actually happened yesterday.

As you were entering the building, you got an unexpected text from Sam letting you know they were going to be parked outside, just in case something happen while you were looking for the ring. Turns out, Sam convinced Dean you could do it.

By the time everyone left, and it was only you and the security guy in the building, you were plain scared to death.

"Hey, you'll be okay on your own for a few minutes? I'll go across the street to buy some dinner" the security guy told you putting his jacket on. This was your chance.

As you watched him leave, you ran to Mr. McKinley's office to search around but found nothing. And for a second it seemed stupid to consider the ring was going to be here in the first place, after all, it was a million dollar worth diamond. There was no way he would bring it to work with him.

Your phone started to buzz, it was Sam calling but in the minute you were about to answer, you were thrown away across the room by the spirit. Amanda was here. She threw you again, this time, a few meters away from one of the windows as her hands snaked your neck and she instantly started to strangle you.

Back in the Impala, the boys were waiting impatiently for your call.

"She's not answering," Sam said concerned, his legs tapping nervously. "Something might have happened".

"Yeah, maybe she's scared, hiding in the bathroom. We should have done it ourselves," Dean complained, and that was the last straw for Sam.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Could you stop being an ass to the girl for one freaking second? You have a history with her. Doesn't she at least deserve some kind of respect for that?".

Dean opened his eyes wide to his little brother, that was so unexpected, and out of character. Why would he even bring your relationship up? It took him a second to answer that.

"I can't, Sammy. I can't be nice to her," he looked down, "what am I supposed to say?".

"I didn't want to leave, I've been wanting to find you again, I love you?" Sam blurted out in less than 10 seconds over twenty possible sentences Dean could say to you, instead of being the asshole he was being.

Dean said nothing to that, and Sam didn't push it, knowing this wasn't the time or place to have this talk; but they sure as hell were going to have it afterward. Instead, he tried calling you again but no one answered so the boys decided it was time to get in. Something must had happened.

"You know what it's like to not be loved back, you can relate to me, so why are you trying to kill me?" she asked you calmly as you were struggling to catch a breath. "Do you know why I killed the others? They were all lying, living double lives, cheating on their lovers while they just loved them unconditionally. Tell me they didn't deserve that. Tell me!" she yelled at your face, the ringing sound of her voice resonating throughout your whole brain.

You were about to pass out when she finally let you go as she heard the brothers entering the room. Dean shot her and she disappeared but only for a moment; just giving him enough time to run towards you and check if you were okay.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Are you okay? Are you hurt?" he kept asking but words weren't coming out, even if you tried, they couldn't pass your throat. All you managed to do was wrap him in your arms. You were scared as hell, fighting to catch a breath in the middle of a panic attack and you couldn't even speak. "Hey hey, breathe," he lifted your chin, making sure you were seeing his eyes, "it's okay, listen to my breathing, watch my lungs," he said without taking his gaze off of you. 

You did as he said, inhaling and exhaling at the rhythm of his breath, and he was so gentle in the middle of a chaos that it made you want to cry even more. "I'm right here and nothing's gonna happen to you, I promise".

"I couldn't find anything," Sam spoke up getting out of the office, we need to go before she comes back!". Dean wanted to carry you in his arms but you reassured him you could walk; in fact, you would have run a freaking marathon if you had too because there was just too much adrenaline running through your bloodstream right now. As the three of you ran through the empty halls of the building, he never let go of your hand.

He never stopped holding you. Even when you were safe in the Impala, he could have just driven the car himself back to your apartment, he could have wrapped you in his jacket and leave you alone in the backseat in a crying mess. But he didn't. He tossed the car keys to Sam and pulled you close to his chest, stroking your hair in calming motions. You thought your bruises were already gone.

Dean stayed with you for awhile, making sure you were asleep, although he knew for a fact you were because of the mix of pain-killers plus a sleeping pill he gave you. But he wanted to make sure. His eyes traveled through the bruises on your body; your neck, your wrists, they were turning in shades of purple and yellow he knew all too damn well.

And just like that, he couldn't hold it together anymore. He had so much to say to you that he didn't know where to start. He felt so damn bad for leaving you that night, even though it wasn't his fault. Even if every cell of his body had wanted to stay that night, and graduate with you. And maybe go to college with you.

That life seemed so distant now.

He wiped the tears from his face and sniffed the pain away as he quietly made his way to the kitchen to find Sam with a couple of beers by the table.

"How is she?" Sam asked his brother, concern showing in his voice because it was stupid to make you search for the ring on your own without back-up. And he felt so damn guilty for pushing it.

"She'll be okay," Dean's voice was sure, but he wished he felt just as sure as he sounded. "We should stay here, just in case... she won't mind." 

Sam agreed, and for a second the apartment quiet. Too quiet. The youngest Winchester set his eyes in a darkened frame by the window, and let out an instant chuckle. "What is it?" Dean look at him confused, following his sight to face whatever his brother was paying attention to.

"Yale University" Sam pointed to your degree. 

"She always was so smart," Dean cracked, walking over to the part of the wall your pictures were hanged. There was one of your graduation day, back when you were 18. A few of your mom, and the one with him. He smiled big and a part of him couldn't believe that after all this time, you still kept that photo. "I remember this day," he said to his brother while showing him the photo. "We went to the hills to watch the sunset, and it was one of our first dates as boyfriend and girlfriend", he laughed at that part because in a microsecond he remembered how scared he was of calling you his girlfriend, but you were too excited that you insisted, and he agreed. 

Sam smiled, and he thought of saying all those things he kept quiet back in the Impala, but something told him Dean was figuring them out on his own so he let his brother be. He lied down on your couch to have some sleep, and Dean headed back to your bedroom. To check on you, one more time. 

Just in case, he told himself as an excuse to see you again.

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