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Months later and the school year was almost over. Admission letters had started to arrive; you applied for different colleges around the area and a few further away but it was unlikely they accepted you. Besides, you wanted to be near town just in case Dean decided to study here too. You knew he wasn't the college kind of guy, he made that clear, but you had a slimmed hope you could talk him into it anyway.

Your mother rushed through the stairs and banged loudly to your door, almost making you jump out of the bed, before entering without an invitation. It was a good thing Dean decided to sneak out at 4 am and he wasn't sleeping next to you.

"Honey," her smile was enormous, "big envelope!". You knew what that meant. There had been these hallway talk in school about how colleges were sending huge envelopes to the students who got into their schools, and just normal sized ones to the ones that didn't. And look at that.

"Dear (Y/N), I take great pleasure in offering admission to Yale University....".

Your mother yelled in excitement. You never expected to be accepted in one of the big ones, much less with a scholarship. This was big and honestly, quite scary. You couldn't wait to tell Dean about it so you ran outside and grabbed your bike to meet him at his house as fast as you could. And when you got there, you really wished you hadn't. 

"What about us, huh? What, Mom's not supposed to live her life, Sammy's not supposed to get married? Why do we have to sacrifice everything, Dad?". You could hear Dean's broken voice through his yelling, and it just broke you down into million pieces. You wanted to get in there and yell at his father too for being an asshole to his children. For not being there when he supposed to, for not even putting food on the table.

But the worst part of it all was, there was nothing you could do about it.

You went home again and headed to your room right away, with the letter in your hand and a lot to think about. How was Dean going to fit in your college life? What about his dad and the unrealistic expectations he constantly set for his oldest son? Tears started to well up. You could both get jobs, be on your own without worrying about anything, and although it seemed tempting, you knew it would never work.

A loud honk coming from outside snapped you out of your thoughts and through the window, you saw it was Dean. You ran down the stairs and opened the door in what seemed to be just seconds. And instantly knew something was wrong.

"Hey sweetheart, can we talk?" he said in a soft voice and you nodded, his face was red, his eyes were puffy.

"What's up?" you said quietly, not forcing a hello-kiss or a hug, you knew something big was going on. He gently touched your cheek and gave you the sweetest kiss, as if that was enough to answer all your questions.

"I thought this was going to be easier" he let out a small chuckle as a couple of tears ran freely down his cheeks.

"Dean, you are scaring me. What's going on?".

"I have to go. We have to move".

"No," you whispered under your breath. Your chest tightened as the pain suddenly spread, your heart was genuinely broken. You wanted to wrap your arms around him and keep him with you, for as long as the world would let you.

"(Y/N), you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and—".

"Please stay, we can work it out," you cut him off as it hit you this was the last time you were going to see your boyfriend again, "we can find jobs and-and...", your mind wasn't thinking, but sure as hell was trying.

"I can't leave Sam alone with him, you know that" he replied softly as he put your hair behind your ear. He dried your tears with his thumb and kissed you again. "I'm going to miss you so, so much".

His dad honked again, and it made you raging mad for a moment that he wasn't even letting him have this moment with you. This last moment.

"Just... don't forget me" you begged, "that's all I ask. Don't forget me".

"I won't. I promise."

He pressed his head against yours and kissed you one last time before letting you go. His hands were trembling, his tears running freely now, he just didn't care anymore. He let go of your hand after squeezing it three times and he walked away.

He jumped into the car and you ran to the middle of the street watching him leave as if it were the end of a tragic movie. And you were the heartbroken actress. And it fucking felt like it because it hurt. It hurt so bad.

Back in the car, Dean stared at the window, trying his best not to show any signs of weakness in front of his father who he knew was watching him from the rearview mirror. Sam put his hand on his knee, trying to comfort him, knowing how much he cared about you. And how much he was being forced to leave behind, but Dean's eyes fell on his little brother and for a second, the pain in his chest didn't hurt anymore.

He looked at his little brother and realized, it was the right thing to do.

"Say you'll see me again, even if it's just pretend"

Wildest Dreams (Dean x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now