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People often say that tragedy is a good sign for a fresh start, so, you were leaving. Nothing else bounded you to this town, you were on your own in the world now. No family, no friends, no nada. And that was both exciting and scary.

Your car was parked in front of your building as you carried a couple of bags and suitcases to the trunk; you decided it was best to just pack the essentials, enough to settle somewhere new and get you going through the weeks as you found your new place to stay.

"Need some help with that?" you heard a familiar voice from behind, and it made you jump scared to death.

"Holy shit," you exclaimed turning around to see that it was Dean.

"You leaving?" he asked approaching, willing to help you with one of the boxes.

"Yeah, I need a fresh start" you answered in a flat tone. "Look Dean... it's fine, really, you don't need to do this".

You didn't want any more drama in your life now, you had just spent a whole day crying your bawls out because of him and the last thing you needed was to deal with this all over again.

"What do you think I'm doing?" he asked in a sassy tone and you couldn't help but smile; those were the little things that made him who he was and were the ones that got you in trouble in the first place. You hated to love him like this.

"Keep coming back to me just for you to go again", you sighed, "I can't do this. I'm sick and tired of it, so please, if you don't mind, I'd like for you to just leave me alone".

"Wait," he stopped you right next to the door, and for a moment, you hesitated on turning around because it should be too late for him to explain himself. You should be strong enough to tell him to back off, to yell at the top of your lungs that he is fucking late. But you couldn't. Dean had that effect on you. You couldn't turn your back on him that easily.

"This is all new to me too, you know? This life... I never had anything like this, like us," he walked over to you, his hand finding your cheek. "Every cell of my body is telling me to run, (Y/N), my gut is telling me to push you away and don't look back but, I just... I can't do that. I don't think anyone who's lucky enough to find their soulmate can do that".

You pressed your forehead against his and took a deep breath, you were holding your tears at this point. Finally, what you have always wanted hear. What you have always wanted for him to realize. This felt right. 

"I have to warn you, though, it won't be easy. I come with a load of crap. And if you don't want...".

"I don't care" you replied almost instantly stopping him from saying anything else. Honestly, you didn't really care because you had spent way too much time apart to give up on this opportunity. There was nothing, absolutely nothing, that could get you out of his life now.

"I love you, (Y/N) (Y/LN)".

"I love you too, Dean Winchester".

"So..." he said grabbing your hands and kissing your knuckles, the biggest smile on his face. "What do you say if I tell Sammy to take your car so you can ride shotgun in the Impala?".

"With you?" you jokingly made a face, "why? Where are you taking me?".

"Home", a smirk on his lips, almost inviting you to dive in into his lips.

"Sounds good to me".

Wildest Dreams (Dean x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now