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Once your working hours were over, you still couldn't keep that Agent guy out of your head. Who was that? You decided to give it a shot and do what you do best, research.

You firstly and foremostly typed "Agent Young" but nothing came up, at least not in plain, old Google. Luckily, you had a couple of tricks down your sleeve and hacked the government files but again, nothing came up. That's where you should have found his badge and personal information such as his age, date of birth, even the name of his parents but there was nothing under that name. And neither under Agent Angus.

For a moment, you weren't sure if you should feel panic or relief, these guys entered your place of work, they even interviewed you and they didn't even have real badges? Yet again, this would only mean, you weren't losing your mind and what you felt when you first met them, was completely and utterly real.

Out of the sudden, your heart started beating faster as you found yourself typing the name "Dean Winchester" on that little blue bar. No, it can't be... you thought to yourself, and after all these years, even writing his name seemed strange. So distant. But that feeling in your gut wasn't leaving, no matter how much you pushed it down and tried to ignore it. So, you pressed enter. And it took you a second to open your eyes.

First, a bunch of things related to "Supernatural", a series of novels based on the events of the Winchester brothers written by Carver Edlund came up. But then, there he was. Dean's old police record from St. Louis Department popped up and it was him. Agent Young was Dean, your Dean; and you just met him in your freaking workplace.

"So the other one was Sam?!" you found yourself exclaiming out loud in the loneliness of your apartment. Yeah, that was Sam indeed and it took you a minute to pull yourself together, before an avalanche of questions flooded your brain and instantly forced you to make a plan. You needed to tell him you knew who they were. You needed answers.

After a long shower, you wiped the fog of your bathroom mirror and took a look at yourself. Maybe he doesn't remember me because I've changed a lot. After all, it's been 15 years, you thought. But why was he lying about his identity? Why was he pretending to be an agent? Why were they investigating this whole thing, to begin with?

And even if you pulled yourself together and dared to ask him to his face, what you were going to say? "Hi Dean, it's me (Y/N). Remember? We were completely in love until your dad pretty much-ruined everything, how's life treating you now?".

You realized that there wasn't going to be a plan because what happened between you two was ages ago, and he probably, most likely, doesn't even care at this point.


Morning came and you headed back to work, and it all made sense the second you spotted the Impala. That was definitely them. "Oh, God, that's them" you whispered under your breath, concern running through your bloodstream. 

"(Y/N)! Thank God you are here," your boss called out as you reached the revolving door. "The Agents are looking for you! They are in my office. Go, go now." Mr. McKinley informed you very nervous and he even pushed you a little through the door.

The brothers instantly locked eyes with you, and you froze, again.

"You were asking for me?" you questioned, your voice coming off in almost a whisper.

"Yes, please take a sit," Sam said and god, this was way more difficult than you thought. Sammy was definitely not a little kid anymore, he was, in fact, as big as a freaking moose. "I don't know if they told you already but your partner Jenna was found dead today" he informed you, his voice was calmed, comforting even.

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