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"How do you know this is even our thing?" Dean questioned as he walked around the Impala, adjusting his tie and checking he had his ID ready to show the officers standing outside the building.

"This is the third guy killing himself in this place, in the same month and same M.O, don't you think it's worth checking it out?" Sam argued, doing the same as his brother as they walked towards to the crowd of people.

"Vengeful spirit?".

"That's what I'm thinking".

The boys let themselves in and requested to speak to the owner of the tech company that was, apparently, haunted. An old man in his 50's who seemed awfully worried about this happening again stretched his hand out to the agents.

"Mr. McKinley. I'm Agent Young, this is my partner Agent Angus. We are here to ask you a few questions about the incident".

"The police said it was a suicide", he replied defensively, "I have nothing to do with it". Sam and Dean shared a look. Guilt much.

"There's a new lead in the investigation that suggests otherwise and we are here just to recollect some information," Dean replied in a serious tone, as the man had no other choice but to guide them towards his office.

"Did you know who your employee was? Was he happy with his position in the company?" Sam questioned, just to rule out the fact that these people were, in fact, killing themselves over a lousy job.

"If he had one, he never mentioned it. And I don't talk to them about their personal life but he looked just fine a few days ago. He was making extra hours so he could buy a car".

"Did he have any kind problem with one of his co-workers?" Dean inquired, "maybe someone was pissed at him".

"Well, not that I know of, I'm not exactly friends with my employees" the man let out an awkward chuckle, "you could talk to some of them if you want" he picked up a phone to contact his secretary.


"Yesterday the police, today the Feds? What the hell is going on here?" your co-worker Jenna spoke up loud enough for you to hear her from the booth next to yours as you did your work.

"Third one this month, that's weird" you replied, your eyes never leaving the screen. "Honestly, I can't wait to get out of this place".

You were a Software Engineer graduated with honors from Yale University so, this crappy tech company was definitely not your place to be but it was all you could find in town. A couple of years ago you moved back home because your mom was diagnosed with a rare, aggressive type of cancer. You couldn't just leave her alone but once she past away, something inside you left with her and as much as every cell of your body wanted to get the hell out of here, you couldn't find the strength to start over somewhere else.

"You called for me, Mr. McKinley?" you spoke softly as you were called in by the secretary. It wasn't like this happened regularly so, for a second, you felt a shot of nerves invading your stomach.

"Yes, please come in. This is Agent Young and Agent Angus. They'd like to ask you some questions about Michael".

You shook hands with the agents and when you met your eyes with them, you felt a cold sweat running through your body. It took you a second to recompose and actually listen to what they were saying because, honestly, it was as if you were hypnotized. The short one sounded so familiar to you, it even scared you a little. 

You snapped out of your rambling thoughts when your boss called out your name, and you realized you were blank-staring at him all this time. The agents exchanged worrying looks to each other, then back at you. "I'm sorry," you said shaking your head, trying to think straight. "What was the question again?".

"Did you know Michael? Was he having a rough time in his life?" Sam asked again, sighing a little, he seemed annoyed.

"I don't think so. He was a bit stressed out because he was working overtime but nothing out of the ordinary".

"Do you know any of your co-workers that might have wanted to hurt him?".

"Oh God no, he was a good guy. He just did his own thing without bothering anyone. Why? You think this was a murder?" you dared to intrude before your mind quickly reminded you these were federal agents. And this was a private investigation.

"We are just going through every possibility", he softly said, going through his notes.

"Can you show us the place where this happened?" Dean questioned, his strong gaze upon you sending shivers down your body. Why? Why him? Why, out of the sudden, this random stranger was making you feel all these things?

"Sure" you stood up and noticed only him was going with you, without his partner. And you freaked out. "You... you are going with me?" you stuttered and you could feel your cheeks were already red. He frowned confused, not understanding a damn thing, was he not supposed to go with you?

"I'll go" Sam intervened, being more intuitive than his brother and realizing you were on your freaking nerves.

As you made your way to the elevator, you cursed yourself for acting so stupid back there because they, most certainly, totally noticed that.

"What can you tell me about the other suicides?" he started a conversation as you two were heading to the office.

"Not much. I know they were all working night-shifts but that actually makes sense. If you are going to throw yourself through the window, the fewer people in the building the better, right?" Sam chuckled and nodded in agreement. 

You got to the scene and Sam started to walk around. He EMFed the place without you noticing it but he found nothing. No cold spots, no sulfur, no hex bag. Was this really just a horrible job? He was sure there was a case here, but there was nothing remotely indicating it. He told you he got everything he needed and you went back to your workplace.

Before leaving, Sam came to your desk completely startling you and handed you his card, "just in case something comes up" he smiled before walking away.

What the actual fuck?


"No EMF then?" Dean asked while driving to their motel room.

"No nada, man. I gave that girl, (Y/N), my card just in case" Sam said looking through the window and his brother nodded. "Hey, by the way, do you know that girl? She was staring at you when we first met almost as she was seeing a ghost".

"I don't think so, no. Maybe she likes me" Dean replied in a sassy tone, so full of himself and even winking at his brother.

"No, not like that" Sam sighed, "I don't know, her reaction was weird. Didn't you had a girlfriend named (Y/N) back in high school?".

Dean locked his eyes on the road, out of the sudden, his knuckles were turning white at the tight grip on the steering wheel, as if he was being dragged down a memory lane he didn't want to be into, in the first place.

"Yeah..." he cleared his throat. "I don't think that's her anyway, so...".

"But it's possible, right? I mean it's been, what, 12, 15 years?"

"It's probably not her," Dean growled, signaling Sam in his own kind of language to cut it out because he was in no mood to talk about that. 

Now, or ever.

Wildest Dreams (Dean x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now