Six hundred

303 12 6

The new machine held over six hundred songs and each one was harder than the ones on the old machine.
"The hardest on this one is Dance to It by Tut Tut Child, I don't know why it's on here, but it is. Everything else is an in between." The guy said.
Jin patted him on the shoulder.
"Thanks, Mark."
Mark nodded. "My shift is almost over, if you need anything, ask Jackson." He told us. Then he left us in the back room with the machine.

I looked at the machine and decided on the easiest. Ironically, it was the hardest on the other machine. "Well, I guess everything goes uphill from here." Seokjin said. I chose it, just for a warm up.

As the arrows started coming, panic seized me. I'd been able to dance so well last time only because I'd been so infurated. But in a normal mood, how would I do this?

I did my best, but in the end only score 1013.
Namjoon gave the screen a look and said, "It's ok, you're just warming up." I clenched my hands and relaxed them again, restarting it, and trying again and getting a score of 1020.

Seokjin gave me a smile and a bottle of water, encouraging me to try again after a break.

I heard someone snicker.

Yoongi stretched and smirked lazily at me. "I thought you could do better. Looks like Jungkook is winning that Youtube bet then." He said as if we were talking about the color of the walls. Namjoon narrowed his eyes at Yoongi and said, "Get lost, Yoongi. This isn't your bet anyway." Yoongi snickered again and said, "Suuure, but just so you know, Jungkook and I paired up. Why don't you do that with your precious girlfriend as well?" He laughed, and left the building.

Seokjin growled. "They're never like this, I don't know why they're so mean to you." He said. 

Then a ball of orange and brown collided with my side. 
"Nicole!!!" Jimin gave me a huge smile and wrapped his arms around my waist. 

Namjoon cleared his throat and pulled Jimin off. 

"What're you doing here?! I thought you were never gonna come back here again, you know!!" I gave him a small smile, apolizing. "Sorry. I was having an off day." I said weakly. 

"It's fine! Let's go play Kirby now!!" He bounced around. Jin smiled, and put a hand on Jimin's shoulder. "Uh, Nicole sorta has something going on. Maybe later." He said. Jimin's face fell, but his smile came back quickly.

"Later, right? Promise?" I agreed, and Jimin danced off.

"What a child." Jin scoffed, but he was smiling. 

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