Ch. 2: Just One

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~And if I knew, when the door was open I'd go through, I would go on through. And I can say, what I do never be the same, never be the same~

Kiyomi's POV

"... And then Seaiga just left," I concluded, sighing. I'd just finished telling of my adventures during the past year to Ryuuko, who'd listened to it all. "Anyways, I came back to see if you have any idea where Salila could be. Considering you were her host and all."

Ryuuko sighed, and shook his head. "It's been many years since I've even laid eyes on her. I honestly have no idea where she'd be."

"Great," I groaned. "Make my job harder, why don't you?"

The red-haired man chuckled a bit, then abruptly stood up, changing the topic. "Actually, I have something for you. It came from my old friend Tsunade. You might be interested." Then he walked away into his cave.

Ryuuko returned a moment later, a letter clutched in his hand. He handed it to me, and I slit it open quickly. Inside was a small slip of paper covered in neat writing.


I hope your training has been going well. But I'm not writing this to ask about your training. Instead, I have a request, that, should you refuse, becomes an order. It's decently simple, and mutually beneficial to the two of us.

I wish for you to participate in the upcoming Chunin Exams, held in Kumogakure. You would be going as a representative of the Leaf. And don't worry about your lack of team. A few of the other villages have come together, and you will be placed on a team composed of Genin from other villages. There will be no other teams from Konoha, as nobody was recommended this time.

Be in Kumogakure as soon as possible, as by the time you receive this letter, the exam should start in about two weeks. Ample time to get to the Land of Lightning. 

Good luck.

Lady Tsunade Senju, Fifth Hokage of Konohagakure

I read over the letter twice, letting the contents sink in. Another Chunin Exam, huh... Hopefully it goes better than the first one did. That was just a disaster.

And I'd be placed on a team of people from other villages. That would be interesting. I bet it's some attempt by the Kages to improve relations between the shinobi. Oh well. It can't be horrible.

"You done reading it?" Ryuuko asked semi-curiously. I nodded, and Ryuuko smirked a little. "You'd best be going, then. The search for Salila can wait. You definitely don't want to get on Tsunade's bad side by being late."

"Very true," I agreed, thinking of the Hokage's legendary temper. Nope, don't want to be late. "Is there anything you think I should bring?"

Ryuuko shook his head. "Nothing that comes immediately to mind. Make sure you've got enough supplies to get there, and that should be good. You have enough money to pick up any supplies you might need in Kumo?"

I nodded, putting a hand to my left thigh. There was a pouch secured there that had bandages, a tiny amount of food, a fire starter, and my money. "I do."

"Right, well, good luck then. Now leave."

I smiled. "Aw, how nice!" But I obediently walked into the cave to grab the rest of my stuff, then started out towards the trail that went don't the mountain. "Bye, Sensei!" I heard a grunt that was Ryuuko's way of saying goodbye in return.

'The Chunin Exams again,' Fenrir sighed. 'These had better not be as dramatic as the first time. And I hope your team is nice.'

I shrugged. 'I don't care if they're nice, I just don't want them to be complete douchebags. 'Cause that would make working together suck.'

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