Ch. 18: Ready To Fall

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~Wings won't take me, heights don't phase me, so take a step. But don't look down, take a step~

Kiyomi's POV

A month. That's how long it's been since Jiyuu officially decided to stay with me. We had a temporary base on the edge of the Land of Lightning, in one of the smaller mountain ranges that dominated the landscape there.

We spent most of our time training. What else could we do? We couldn't travel too far, for fear of someone recognizing either of us. Jiyuu occasionally made trips to a nearby village when we needed supplies, but beyond that we just chilled.

Without news of the outside world, I had no idea what was going on. If Team Six's bodies had been discovered. If anyone was grieving. What the Akatsuki were doing. Nothing.

"Kiyomi!" I turned when I heard Jiyuu's voice echoing across the mountaintop where I was meditating and conversing with Fen. The black-haired girl appeared, panting and covered in sweat from exertion. "There's someone coming!"

I immediately stood up and strode over to her, anticipation curling in my stomach. "Do you recognize them?" Jiyuu shook her head. "Okay, any identifying features or objects? Shinobi or not?"

Jiyuu gulped air for a second, then replied. "Definitely shinobi. The person is wearing a white mask with some kind of animal design on the front. They have the symbol of a Hidden Village, but I couldn't make out which one from the distance."

"ANBU then," I concluded briskly, turning and walking to where our supplies were piled. "Pack your stuff, quickly. We don't know if they're here for us or not, but it's better to get far away. Maybe we can catch a glimpse of their headband on the way out."

Jiyuu followed me, and silently we began packing our stuff. We didn't have much. An extra pair of clothes each, some food and our water bottles, Jiyuu's bow and quiver, and my pouch with wire and bombs.

When that was done, we jumped between boulders and over sparse bushes on our way down the mountain, going the opposite way that Jiyuu arrived from. A faint creak from a tree branch made me halt, throwing out a hand to stop my friend as well. That sound wasn't natural.

I closed my eyes, relying on my nose and ears to pinpoint where the sound came from. Another faint creak echoed in my ears, and I spun to face the direction it came from. A whistling sounded through the air, and I jumped sideways, just barely missing being hit with a kunai knife.

Jiyuu had gotten her bow out by now, and sent an arrow shooting towards where the kunai came from. The arrow thudded into a tree, meaning that she'd missed.

I opened my eyes, trying to find any sign of our opponent. They were obviously a strong shinobi, using a kunai so easily. They were also hiding well enough that it was hard for me to get their location. No ordinary shinobi then.

"Anything?" Jiyuu asked cautiously as she sidled up next to me, another arrow nocked on the string of her bow.

I shook my head. "They're good enough that it's hard to pinpoint their location. Give me a bit more time." Seaiga's host nodded, and sent her arrow flying off into the trees.

A rustle sounded as our opponent moved to dodge the attack. I smirked mercilessly. Got them now. I leapt from my spot and landed crouched in a nearby tree, staring victoriously at the ANBU in the tree next to mine.

They wore a mask with a pattern that was vaguely bird-like. Maybe some kind of hawk? Or a swan, I couldn't really tell. Their village headband was wrapped around their next, and it bore a familiar symbol. The swirling leaf of Konoha.

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