Ch. 14: Be The Young

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~And after all this waiting, for skies to fall, I need this to be real. Please let this be real~

Kiyomi's POV

I think I'm going to pull a Kakashi and be a bit late to meeting my team. Let's see how they deal with it. If they're anything like my team (and I'm hoping not), then they'll be a bit mad.

I was an hour past when I was supposed to arrive. The kids should be fuming by now. As I approached the door to the classroom, I happened to glance up, and saw a dark shape hovering over the slightly-open door. I inwardly smirked, seeing that someone was trying to replicate Naruto's prank.

I slid the door open, but didn't walk through, causing the eraser balanced there to fall harmlessly to the floor. There was a faint groan from one of the kids, but not much else.

As I stepped through the door, I immediately started observing my new students. Three boys, one girl. I knew their basic looks already, but was surprised to see that the girl, Akira, had a large bruise surrounding her left eye. Well, I was surprised until I remembered that she likes to start fights, so that was most likely a recent occurrence.

Of the three boys, the silver-haired one, Kouki, was sitting quietly while staring at me. Probably observing me just as I'd observed him. The brown-haired one, Hiroto, was conversing with the last black-haired one, Koze, and they seemed so engrossed in their conversation that they missed me coming in.

Koze happened to glance over, and when he noticed I was there, his eyes widened. I saw his hazel eyes dart briefly to the eraser on the floor, and he seemed surprised that the trap failed. May have been his idea, may have been Akira's, but everyone knew who did it. Well, everyone except me.

"Team Six?" I asked the now-silent classroom, well aware that it was a rhetorical question. I glanced around as none of them responded, and finally Kouki nodded.

I grinned crookedly. "Good. Follow me, we're heading to one of the training grounds." Then I turned and walked out the door, hearing the sounds of footsteps following me. Good. They'll at least obey orders.

We all reached the training grounds in no time, and I easily chose an empty one that wasn't near any others. Private.

'Don't kill them,' Fenrir warned jokingly. I rolled my eyes and sat down in front of a tree, then gestured for the children to do the same. 'You can't really call them children, they're only three years younger than you.'

'They're still children to me,' I responded quietly, a small rueful smirk on my face. Then I cleared my throat and began to speak aloud. "Okay, you're Team Six. I'm your new sensei."

"We get that," Akira sneered, her tone snarky.

Kouki frowned, drawing my attention to him. "You're a little young to be a sensei, aren't you?" he pondered quietly.

I shrugged. "I'm almost sixteen, meaning I've survived life as a shinobi for three years. Seems pretty qualified to me."

Hiroto laughed at that, and Koze chuckled a bit as well. "Okay!" Hiroto finished laughed, but he was still smiling a lot. "What's your name?"

I face-palmed, forgetting that I hadn't introduced myself. "Sorry," I muttered from behind my hand. "I guess I forgot that. How about this? We'll all introduce ourselves, because I don't know you guys." Akira scoffed, and I shot her a quick look before I continued. "Say... your name, your skills, your dream, and something about the person to your right."

We were sitting in a circle, with Kouki to my left and Koze to my right. Akira was next to Koze and Hiroto was next to her. Then Kou was on the other side of Hiroto. The genin all exchanged confused looks, not understanding why I'd make them do that.

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