Fate Is Just A Word

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I walked along the First Beach in La Push, Washington. I looked out over the ocean, it was beautiful out today. It was my first day back, in the last year. i was happy to be back to the place I grew up for the first sixteen years of my life. When my mum moved my little sister and I to Las Angelos, California I was torn I begged her not to make me go, but she did anyway. She made me lose some of the best things in my life. My friends were the best here, they were like sister's to me. I was a cheerleader, witch was always fun for me. I was pretty much the only one who did it for fun, and not for the popularity. Most of all I had the best boyfriend anyone could ever ask for. My life was perfect intill I moved. When I went to the priviate school on the reservation I fit in with everyone. When I went to school in the biggest school in California I was the only girl who wasn't athletic down to the bone. I was the only girl with black hair, not blonde, carmel, or red. I was the only girl who didn't coat there faces in five differant coats of make up. My life was torture there. I was back now and I was relieved, somewhat. There were things I was worried about, my friends probably changed alot in one year. My boyfriend....well ex-boyfriend we had to break up, because I just didn't feel right doing a long distance relationship.

My little sister Kennedi ran ahead of me along the beach. I smiled as I watched her, she loved this place just as much as I did. She was the one who talked our mom into coming back. She hated California just like I did as well. She always talked about how kids made fun of her becuase she had brown eyes and the rest had blue. Kennedi and I were half indian, we were from a tribe called the quiluettes, most of them lived in LaPush. The other half of us was british, I know it was a weird combination, but that what my mum and dad were. Mum was full quiluette, I mostly looked like her. I had long wavy black hair that reached to my middle back. My skin was a light russet color, not as dark as most indians, but I was just a bit lighter than the rest. My eyes were the only thing I got from my father, they were ice blue. Kennedi was the exact oppisite of me. She had long straight honey blonde hair that reached a quarter of the way down her back. Her skin was pale with a slight tan to it, no where close to mine and her eyes were like mums, dark brown. Kennedi and I were both hald britsh so we each spoke with a hint of a britsh accent that proably would never go away. Kennedi was eight when we moved so she was old enough to have friends and do stuff with them. I was sixteen so yeah i was a little more upset to leave my friends because I had known them longer than kennedi had known hers. Now Kennedi was nine and I am seventeen, we both grew at least a foot taller.

'Ugf" I ran into somthing hard not while I was mind babbling. I almost fell to the floor, but someone caught me from my wrist. the hand was warm, like not normal body temperature warm it startled me. I looked up to meet my saviors eyes and I instantly new they were familiar. The deep brown color-almost balck. I knew it and I knew who I was staring at.

"Sam." I whisperd, the name rolling off my tounge and into the open air. His face was confused for a second intill reconization rolled acrossed his face.

"Karson?" It was stated as a question, even though he knew it was me. It was like he wanted to make sure I wasn't a dream or somthing.

"It's me. Is it you?" I smiled playing along.

'It's me Kars." I laughed

'Well thats good to here. Just one question, who did you think I was?"

"I don't know" He shrugged 'I just didn't think you would ever come back. When your mum says somthing she usually means it."He was right about this. My mum never changed her mind once she said somthing, it was a surprise to everyone that we were back.

"Yeah i know what you mean. Mum really didn't want to come back, but I think Kennedi cried enough tears to get her to crack." Sam laughed and looked back at Kennedi who was collecting sea shells she was finding.

"Wow, she's grown so much and you guys have only been gone for a year. You've gotten taller as well. I'm impressed" I laughed and gave him a playful glare.

"I was not that short!" I argues with a smile

'No offense Karson, but yeah you were short." The vocie was not Sam's it was a girly voice, not Kennedi it was...

"Lee Lee!" I squeled throwing myself at the voice. She laughed and we embraced. Leah was my best friend sense kindergarten, we always did everything together.

"Hey Karson, god I missed you so much." Leah said squuzing me harder

"Uh Lee I need to breath" I gasped, she instantly let go and smiled shepishly

"Oops sorry Karson."

'It's alright, but seriesly when did you get so strong? Last I checked this is the girl who couldn't do a cart wheel"

"Hey! I couldn't be like you all the time. You know I am much better at hitting/catching a ball, rather than doing flips and stuff. Thats why you were head cheerleader and I was caption of the basketball team and caption of the vollyball game.." I laughed this was true. There were other people here. Three shirtless boys about my age, ond one woman. She was Sam's age so about 20. She didn't know it , but she broke my heart. Sam's arm was wrapped around her waist and hers around his. I lost my boyfriend, I knew it I just knew it. this is what moving acrossed country does to you. It breaks you.

A/N I hope you all like my first chapter! I will have a book cover up soon for it! Leave some comments to tell me what you think! Thank you, oh and feel free to messege me I love talking to people, actually I just love talkign in general :) Thanks :)


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