Chapter 14

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It was all my fault I knew I knew it was. I knew this was going to happen if I didn't stop it soon enough. Emily was sitting a crossed from us, Sam at my side. He was still holding my hand, and he would not let it go. Emily was red in the face I didn't know if it was from anger or sadness. Probably both. Sam sat next to me his hand intertwineed with mine. I could tell Emily was about to cry.

"Maybe this is not the best idea Sam. I don't think i can handle watching this." I said softly, he squezed my hand.

"You can do it Karson. Your strong." He soothed me with his voice as he rubbed my hand softly. I looked down and yawned I was really tired. And out of habit I laid my head on his shoulder. He didn't seem to mind, but Emily did. 

'What do you think you are doing?" She screeched I shot up instantly backing away my black hair flying behind me. 

'I-Im and sorry. It was out of habit! I'm sorry!" I cried Sam jumped up and came between Emily and I. He guarded me with his body. 

"Emily stop we have to talk and we cannot do that if all you do is threaten Karson." Sam's voice was hard and protective just like it used to sound. 

"Well i'm sorry if I don't like it when a girl is all over my fiance! I don't like it all."  Emily some what.....snarled Sam sighed and looked at her. 

"Emily you know how I feel about Karson you know how much her and I love each other. You know how much I missed her. You have to understand that love fades all the time. Yeah I loved you, but I just don't think I do anymore." His voice was soft and sad, but I am not sure  if it was because his arm was around my waist and I was close to him or if it was because Emily was crying softly. 

"Emily please I didn't mean any of this. You have to understand. I really don't want you to hate me. i really don't" 

"He was my soulmate!" She snarled at me. 

"Emily there is no such thing as soulmate's even I know that. What you call 'fate' is just fake. You don't magically get put together with someone you have a choice. There is something my Mum told me a long time ago back before I moved. I used to always tell her that Sam was my soulmate and you know what she told me? She told me that nobody had soulmate's she told me that 'Fate is Just A Word." Emily looked at me a wild look in her eye. 

"You have no idea what it's like!" She snapped, and that got me mad. I pushed myself from Sam and put my hand on my hips and rounded on her.

"I don't know what it's like? You have no idea what I know. At least you were here with the one's you love. When i was in California I had the worst time of my life! My father died and my mother tore me away from the love of my life. I tried to move on and you know what happened? I met a boy whole abused me I didn't tell anyone, and you know what happened? I was raped twice. So you don't know the beginning of what I know. Because you have no idea what it mans to be in pain." By that time I was in tears and Emily and Sam were in shock. That was the first time I had spoken of Adam since the whole thing happened. Well to anyone, but Kennedi and maybe my mother. I let out a strangled sob and ran out the door of my house. I ran and ran in till I couldn't run anymore. I was in the middle of the woods when my legs went out and I lay on the forest floor crying and screaming. I eventually fell asleep.

Sorry it took so long to update! I will try and get better at that! Please comment, vote, add to library and whatever else! Thank you!


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