Chapter 24

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"Happy Birthday Karson!" Kennedi screamed as she came into my room and jumped on my bed. I groaned and pulled my pillow over my head. It was way to early to be up.

"Go away Kennedi." I groaned and closed my eyes again, but the little twerp turned my lights on.

"Come on Kars. Time to get up." Another voice joined in. I jumped up at the sound. I through myself into the warm welcoming arms of my boyfriend.

"Sam." I mumbled against his chest. He was actually wearing a shirt today. how unusual.

"Karson. Happy Birthday." I smiled up at him

"Thank you, but no presents." I he grinned like a fool

"Now you know I don't followe directions." I sighed.

'I should have known." He smiled down at me

"Yes you should have." He leant down and kissed me. Forgetting the my little sister was there. When we pulled away I turned around.

"Arn't you supposed to run away screaming?" Sam askedwith a smirk at my little sister. She shrugged

"I'm used to it."  Sam and I laughed, I looked up at him and smiled at him.

"I told you." He laughed and leaned down to kiss me. His lips were jsut about to touch mine when we were interuted.

"Well there is my birthday girl!" I groaned

"Mum!" My mother looked at me her dark brown eyes filled with amusement.

"Oh i'm sorry am I embaressing you infront of your boyfriend? I'm sorry."

"Mum!" I screamed again. Sam chuckled and I turned and glared full force at him. He put his hands up in a surrender stance, but you his eyes still sparkled with amusement.

"I'm 18 now and you know I can just move out." Sam and my mother both bursted into a laughing fit,

"Where do you think you would get the money to live and eat?"

"You wouldn't leave me. You love me to much." Sam commented. They were both right about both of those things.

"I'm hungry" I muttered and stormed out of the room. You could here laughter in the back room. Huh. They though they were funny. I looked into the kitchen to find my mum had prepared a whole breakfast for me. I was about to stop adn pick up a plate when warm arms wrapped around my waist. I jumped slightly than relaxed against Sam's chest.

"You to can eat. I have to go run some errins with Kennedi. We will be back later." I nooded and Made my plate of food as they left. Sam sat down next to me as he ate his own food.

"Do you want your present now or later?" he asked with another smirk. I put my fork down and sighed.

"Now. Lets get this over with." I told him. He smiled and pulled a small jewlery box from his pocket. He handed it to me and I have to admit I was anxious to see what it was. I took it with a smile. I opened it and gasped at the site. There on a sapphire cushin was two things. A sapphire heart on a white sold chain. And A White gold ring with a Sapphire right in the middle.

"It's a promise ring." Sam explained. I looked up and met his eyes.

"Thank you so much Sam. I love them." I breathed still unable to breath at the beauty of the two piees.

"Let me put them on." He told me. I nodded and he took the necklace out and I turned around. I moved my hair out of them way as he snapped the necklace on. Then he took the ring and slid it on my right hand. I through my arms around him.

"I love you so much. Thank you so much." He kissed me

"Happy Birthday, my love. Happy Birthday. We walked into the living room when we were done eating and sat on the couch. We were right in the middle of watching a TV show when my door bursted open. Sam jumped infront of me.

'Help! Please Karson. You were right you were right!" A women apeard her scared face bloody and her eyes swollen. It looked like someone had been hitting her repeditly. "He's coming! You have to help me please." Emily Yound was talking about Adam. He beat her just like he did to me. And he was coming here.

Well there you have it! Cliff hanger I know and I am sorry. There are only going to be 2 more chapters in this story. Than the epiloge. Please comment. Vote, Fan! Thank you!


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